June 19, 2017

EP. 186 — 17 Movies That Were Total Disasters Behind The Scenes

Understatement time: movies are hard to make. Every movie from The Godfather II to Joe Dirt 2 is the result of years and years of tireless hard work from artists, craftsmen, teamsters, executives and advertisers– all working in high pressure situations with tight deadlines, huge egos and insane amounts of money at play. Like GDP of a small island nation amount of money.

Odds are behind every movie, there’s an absolutely insane story of inappropriate behavior, blatant disregard for safety regulations and famous people trying to murder each other. This week on the podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by Cracked’s Daniel O’Brien and Tom Reimann, comedian Jamie Loftus and writer Dave Schilling (The Guardian, Bleacher Report, Vice) to cover 17 movies with absolutely batsh*t behind the scenes stories, like basically every late-period Marlon Brando movie, the screwball comedy that shot an iconic scene on 9/11 and the backstage antics that led a very famous actor to punch James Cameron in the face.

If you need some hot new threads for the summer, be sure to check out our new Cracked Podcast Merch. And for a limited time, get 20% off your order when you use the code CRACKED at checkout: https://goo.gl/2J8Nh3


Article: Cracked: 6 Insane Dick Moves By Directors Behind Famous Movies: https://goo.gl/JB88mh

Article: Cracked: 6 Famous Films You Had No Idea Were Hell Behind The Scenes: https://goo.gl/KoDcf7

Article: Cracked: 6 Great Movies That Were A Disaster Behind The Scenes: https://goo.gl/aElYpy

Article: Cracked: 5 Famous Movies That Were Insane Parties Behind The Scenes: https://goo.gl/lvZLQy

Article: Cracked: 7 Insane Behind The Scenes Problems Recent Movies Dealt With: https://goo.gl/3MlTNb

Article: Cracked: 6 Classic Movies Made Possible By Reckless Endangerment: https://goo.gl/dKgBU

Article: Cracked: 5 Great Movie Scenes Made Possible By Reckless Endangerment: https://goo.gl/81V33

Article: Cracked: 12 Classic Movie Moments Made Possible By Abuse And Murder: https://goo.gl/hvav0

Video: Marlon Brando Reads Cue Cards Off A Baby in Superman: https://goo.gl/eGiezr

Video: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Clip: https://goo.gl/fYCf45

Video: Master of Disguise – Turtle Club Clip: https://goo.gl/wU2VLS

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