James Asmus
James Asmus is a long-time writer and performer. As a writer, several of his works have been produced in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, New Orleans, and Portland OR. His plays include award-winners Love Is Dead: A NecRomantic Musical Comedy, and Amelia Earhart Jungle Princess, in addition to the well-loved Sodomites!!!, and his drama Hearts Full of Blood. In recent years, James fulfilled a childhood dream: writing for Marvel Comics’ X-Men titles (and occasional others). He’s spent years working as a comedian as well, and continues to improvise in LA and Las Vegas (which “Chicago’s Best Sketch Comedy” one thing on here that his Dad gets really excited about). His sketch comedy trio Hey You Millionaires was twice named “Chicago’s Best Sketch Comedy” and once featured on the cover of Fortune Magazine. He recently moved to Los Angeles with his girlfriend, Mara. And he does not miss the winters in Chicago – particularly people leaving furniture in shoveled out parking spaces all day. That is against the law.
Guest Appearances
April 16, 2012
The Apple Sisters are back from break and promoting their new record ‘1943’. It’s a masterpiece you aren’t going to want to miss, but in the mean time, the Apple Sister’s have a special April Fool’s program for you!