July 11, 2024

EP. 349 — Shark Attack 3: Megalodon LIVE!

We’re celebrating Hot Shark Summer all July and kicking things off with 2002’s Shark Attack 3: Megalodon—a movie that asks, “What if Jaws happened in Porky’s?” LIVE from London, the HDTGM crew discuss the best line in cinema history, the comically large momma shark, the bonkers VFX shots, the mystery of the groping hand, and so much more. Plus, June revisits her thoughts on male tea drinkers and our second opinion singer from our Beekeeper episode attempts to redeem himself.


Go to hdtgm.com for tour dates, merch, and more on bad movies!
Order Paul’s book about his childhood: Joyful Recollections of Trauma
For extra content on Matinee Monday movies, visit Paul’s YouTube page: youtube.com/paulscheer
Talk bad movies on the HDTGM Discord: discord.gg/hdtgm
Paul’s Discord: discord.gg/paulscheer
Follow Paul’s movie recs on Letterboxd: letterboxd.com/paulscheer/
Check out new HDTGM movie merch over at teepublic.com/stores/hdtgm
Paul and Rob Huebel stream live on Twitch every Thursday 8-10pm EST: www.twitch.tv/friendzone
Like good movies too? Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul and Amy Nicholson: listen.earwolf.com/unspooled
Subscribe to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael: www.thedeepdiveacademy.com/podcast
Check out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.com
Where to find Paul, June, & Jason:
@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter
@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
Jason is not on social media


Paul Scheer [00:00:01] Jaws could never eat pussy like this. We saw Shark Attack 3: Megalodon. So you know what that means.   Music [00:00:18] [Intro Song]   Paul Scheer [00:01:16] Hello people of Earth. And hello people of London! We are live at the Happy Empire, and I can’t wait to talk about this film that shocked me so many times. But truly, the biggest shock came when someone pulled out a cell phone. I was like, wait a second. A Razer phone? Yes, this movie was made in 2002, if you can believe it. And what’s the premise? Well, if you’ve seen The Meg, that’s it. But if you’ve not seen The Meg, I will say, have you seen Jaws? And if you’ve not seen either one of those, I will say this. It is about a small resort who comes under attack from a baby megalodon, who they think is a big problem, and then they encounter a comically large shark, a shark that looks like if it opens its mouth, it could swallow a Tyrannosaurus rex. Yes, it’s

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