June 5, 2017
EP. 183 — A Farewell To Cracked Editor-in-Chief Jack O’Brien
Serious Talk. It’s Jack’s last episode. After 11 years at Cracked, our intrepid editor-in-chief and podcast host extraordinaire Jack O’Brien is hanging up the cleats to tackle new projects, end world hunger and find the Zodiac killer.
But that doesn’t mean this podcast is going anywhere. Jack is joined this week by NEW Cracked Podcast host Alex Schmidt as they sit down with Michael Swaim, Daniel O’Brien, Soren Bowie and Jason Pargin (aka David Wong) to reminisce over Jack’s 11 years of service, how they all landed at Cracked and their favorite Cracked Podcast topics from the first 182 episodes.
To keep up with Jack, be sure to follow him on Twitter: twitter.com/jack_obrien
To follow your new Cracked Podcast host, you can find him on Twitter: twitter.com/alexschmidty
And if you need some hot new threads for the summer, be sure to check out our new Cracked Podcast MERCH: https://goo.gl/2J8Nh3
Also, be sure to come see the next live taping of the Cracked Podcast on Saturday, June 10th at 7pm at the UCB Sunset Theater in Los Angeles. Guests inlcude Daniel O’Brien, Tom Reimann, Jamie Loftus (The Bechdel Cast) and Dave Schilling (Bleacher Report, Grantland, Vice) as the Cracked crew discusses insane behind the scenes stories from movies and tv shows. Tickets are $7 and available here: https://goo.gl/lsCBDm
Video: TED: James Flynn: Why Our IQ Levels Are Higher Than Our Grandparents: https://goo.gl/MMRp4L
Video: Clip from Fractured Flickers: https://goo.gl/UPBhG2
Book: Michael Shermer: Why People Believe Weird Things: https://goo.gl/fXBHp7
Podcast: Cracked: Insane Simpsons Easter Eggs (Explained By Simpsons Writers): https://goo.gl/zhfWQb
Podcast: Cracked: More Simpsons Writer’s Room Stories (From a Simpsons Writer): https://goo.gl/7HVBM6
Book: Daniel O’Brien: How to Fight Presidents: https://goo.gl/yXfDjH
Article: Esquire: Todd Marinovich: The Man Who Never Was: https://goo.gl/C89avK
Podcast: Cracked: Why Class in America Isn’t About Income: https://goo.gl/2tliZx
Article: Siderea: Class (American): https://goo.gl/tlmX4S
Article: Slate Star Codex: Staying Classy: https://goo.gl/2eYdF6
Article: Slate Star Codex: I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup: https://goo.gl/ZrwgcS
This episode is brought to you by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com code: CRACKED) and Harry’s (www.harrys.com/CRACKED).
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