October 17, 2016
EP. 146 — The 2nd Annual Cracked Podcast Halloween Spooktacular
Last Halloween (https://goo.gl/Eu1CJU) we spooked you with a melange of real-life horror stories that had little explanation. There was the dead girl who was found in a water tower above the hotel where she went missing. Security tapes were inconclusive, except for one minor detail: it appeared as if she was hiding and running away from…absolutely nothing. Was it a ghost? An inter-dimensional monster? A coked-up Harry Potter in his invisibility cloak? We have no idea. Scary.
There was also the story of Major Henry Rathbone, the unfortunate fellow who took the invitation of Abraham Lincoln to see a play at Ford’s Theater. Rathbone was so wracked by guilt over Lincoln’s death that he straight-up turned into Jack Nicholson in ‘The Shining’ and slaughtered his whole family. Horrifying.
So in anticipation of All Hallow’s Eve, Jack O’Brien is joined by first time co-host Nick Mundy as well as Cracked’s Carmen Angelica and Josh Sargent and comedians Eric Lampaert, Ryan Singer and Anna Seregina to share more macabre and strange stories that actually happened. They’ll discuss the thousands of missing people in our national parks and why the government may be covering it up, the French impostor who killed his entire family, the scary clowns that are tormenting America right now, the French Jack the Ripper and the famous serial killer H.H. Holmes, who may be the actual Jack the Ripper.
Also, you can see us on Saturday, October 29th at the Now Hear This podcast festival in Anaheim, California. We’re on an amazing lineup with other podcasts like WTF with Marc Maron, Doug Loves Movies, I Was There Too and Superego. Use promo code CRACKED to get 25% off 3-day GA passes. Tickets and information available here: https://goo.gl/R8gzMX
Footnotes :
Ryan Singer on Twitter: https://goo.gl/MQFwia
Josh Sargent on Twitter: https://goo.gl/0Ypaz3
Carmen Angelica on Twitter: https://goo.gl/B7W9JR
Eric Lampaert on Twitter: https://goo.gl/b70FTt
Anna Seregina on Twitter: https://goo.gl/rKkyAS
HuffPo: Missing Person Cases at National Parks: https://goo.gl/JuD3mq
‘ The Adversary’ on Google Books: https://goo.gl/uB361S
NBC News: Creepy Clown Sightings Across the US: https://goo.gl/lYFQtA
Headstuff: Joseph Vacher, the French Ripper: https://goo.gl/fCU0Ga
Biography.com: HH Holmes: https://goo.gl/BD57Bb
Cracked: Real People Who Turned Their Homes Into Death Traps: https://goo.gl/zoTqj5
Cracked: The True, Drunken Story Behind ‘The Amityville Horror’ (See Entry #1): https://goo.gl/tivgA
This episode is brought to you by Blue Apron and Adam and Eve.
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