September 19, 2024
EP. 354 — Troll 2 (w/ Adam Scott)
After almost 14 years of covering bad movies, we finally tackle one of the best worst movies of all time… 1990’s Troll 2! HDTGM all-star Adam Scott (Severance) returns to help discuss all the gooey green goblin madness including the pee dinner scene, the daughter weightlifting, the dad’s everchanging pajama buttons, the bologna sandwich, Lady & the Tramping a corn cob, and so much more in the town of Nilbog. Plus, a few very special guests stop by to help with second opinions. GEOOOOCORNNNN!
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[00:00:00] Paul Scheer: Put down your devil drink. Tighten your belts and summon your dead grandpa because we’re going to Goblin Town. We saw Troll 2, so you know what that means!
[00:00:11] Music: Now it’s time for
[00:00:14] How
[00:00:14] Did This Get
[00:00:15] Made? We’re gonna have a good time, celebrate some failure, not just be a hater. Cause you know you wonder, How Did This Get Made?
[00:00:21] Let’s follow in the mediocrity of subpar art. Perhaps we’ll find the answer to the question, How Did This Get Made?
[00:00:29] Paul Scheer: Hello, people of Earth, and hello People of the internet. Welcome to How Did This Get Made virtual live stream in conjunction with Move On. org. We have a great show for you tonight. This movie in 1990, this film was released into the world.
[00:00:49] And there is a lot of debate about this film. Is it the best worst movie of all time? It’s a sequel to a film called Troll, but there’s no relation to that film. By director characters or anything, this movie was called Goblin. Now, if you want to know what the premise of a Troll 2 is, I kind of pulled this off the internet here.
[00:01:13] I thought this would be good. Wikipedia says “When young Joshua learns that he’ll be going on vacation with his family to a small town called Nilbog, he protests adamantly. He is warned by the spirit of his deceased grandfather that goblins populate the town. His parents Michael and Diana dismiss his apprehensions, but soon learn to appreciate their son’s warnings guided by his grandfather’s ghost.
[00:01:38] Will Joshua and his family stand a chance in fighting off these evil beings?” That is the premise of the film. I mean, perfectly said. Really, I think this movie is really an expose. It really highlights the villainy of veganism, uh, shows you that, that, that, that’s really what this movie is getting at. That vegetarians need to be defeated.
[00:02:03] And you know what? To break down this film, to, to get into all the nitty gritty goodness, and I don’t even know if that’s quite possible, uh, I have to introduce My two co hosts. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Jason Manzoukas.
[00:02:17] Jason Mantzoukas: Yes! Yes! Yes! Let’s go! Here we go! Wow! What’s up, jerks? Yes!
[00:02:31] Paul Scheer: Jason, troll 2.
[00:02:34] Where do you fall?
[00:02:35] Jason Mantzoukas: I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m not gonna lie to you. Never seen this movie. We have just watched Troll. I watched this entire movie and was flummoxed that this was not a sequel to the movie we watched. This I believe is a movie called Goblins. That is all it is. There’s no troll in this goddamn movie
[00:02:54] Paul Scheer: No, it’s aggressively troll-less.
[00:02:58] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh, man, that gave me a panic attack. I kept being like, where’s Harry Potter? Where’s all this stuff that I know is troll?
[00:03:05] Paul Scheer: No. Yeah, we, you, there is nothing from that first film, but that first film was such a moderate success. They’re like, we, we have to call this Troll 2 like we got.
[00:03:15] Jason Mantzoukas: This just reeks of they had a script for something called goblins and were like, fuck it It’s called Troll 2 now put it out go.
[00:03:22] Paul Scheer: For the irony of it is I believe that um, Troll 1 was a film shot in Italy based in America. And Troll 2 is a film made by uh, italians in america so.
[00:03:37] Jason Mantzoukas: Is that really?
[00:03:39] You’re telling me everybody in this movie was Italian?
[00:03:41] Paul Scheer: Uh, no, all of the.
[00:03:42] Jason Mantzoukas: And that’s why the performances were like this? They learned everything phonetically?
[00:03:47] Paul Scheer: There’s so much to get into, but first, let’s talk about a woman who on previous episodes have said, we gotta talk about the color green, and I’m sure it will also come up here tonight, Miss June Diane Raphael
[00:03:59] welcome, June!
[00:04:00] June Diane Raphael: Hi.
[00:04:01] Jason Mantzoukas: Heh.
[00:04:03] June Diane Raphael: Hi. Hi, Paul. Hi, Jason. Hi, everyone. Hi Hi Viewers and, and guests alike, I, the first thing I want to say, and then we will get into it and we’ll start the show, but I, I know Move On has so much work to do across these United States, but after watching this movie, I realized we have a lot of work to do.
[00:04:28] Know what?
[00:04:29] Jason Mantzoukas: It’s starting to feel like we’re all living in Nillbog.
[00:04:32] June Diane Raphael: Yeah, like we have, there’s more, there’s a lot more meat on the bone. You know, it’s this.
[00:04:38] Paul Scheer: Yeah, we think
[00:04:39] we’re through it.
[00:04:39] June Diane Raphael: And then this, and then we see something like this and I’m like, God, I’m never going to get out of doing this goddamn show.
[00:04:46] Paul Scheer: I mean, look, I, I just took a little peek at that, uh, new Dennis Quaid movie, Reagan, that came out.
[00:04:51] I’m like, wow, they’re, they’re still making them. They’re still making movies.
[00:04:54] Jason Mantzoukas: He did a, a, a biopic about the Australian breakdancer?
[00:05:00] Paul Scheer: Raygun?. Yes. Yeah.
[00:05:02] Jason Mantzoukas: Raygun.
[00:05:05] June Diane Raphael: Have to say something and I want to, I want to, you
[00:05:08] Paul Scheer: You brought an Adam before it stands, we got to introduce Adam.
[00:05:12] June Diane Raphael: Bring them on, bring them on, bring them out.
[00:05:14] Paul Scheer: All right. All right. I’ll bring them out. All right.
[00:05:15] Adam Scott: A biopic about the Australian breakdancer starring Dennis Quaid. Oh my
[00:05:22] God.
[00:05:24] Paul Scheer: Ladies and gentlemen, Adam Scott and How Did this Get Made all star back on the show. Adam, you were so missed in our fast 10 discussion. Uh, you were away shooting and we have missed you on the show many times.
[00:05:37] So we’re so excited to have you here for such a big, big night, a big show. So thank you for being here with us.
[00:05:42] Adam Scott: Well, thank you for having me, you guys. You know, I, I, I knew, I thought I’d seen Troll 2 and then I sat down the other day to actually watch it and went through and I own it. It is on all of my devices.
[00:05:54] As it turns out, it’s just been sitting there for like 15 years. So,
[00:05:59] holy shit, this movie.
[00:06:02] Paul Scheer: I realized I actually watched the documentary best worst movie, which is fantastic and made by, uh, the boy in the movie. Um, uh, uh, Joshua. Yeah. Michael, uh,
[00:06:13] Jason Mantzoukas: Call him the boy. Okay. Well, the boy from the movie.
[00:06:17] Paul Scheer: And he made an amazing documentary, which I think everyone needs to see after you’re done with this episode, because it’s, it’s really beautiful.
[00:06:24] Um, And that’s what I realized I’d watched. I’d never actually watched the film. So, wow, it really, it was. And by the way, they work in either order.
[00:06:33] June Diane Raphael: I love the idea that people are watching that documentary. And then there’s going to be people who probably listen to this podcast, but don’t actually get to the source material.
[00:06:41] Paul Scheer: We will play plenty of clips tonight because I think it’s, it’s, it, this is a film worthy of clip.
[00:06:46] Jason Mantzoukas: I’ll be honest, just watching the trailer right now, as you played it, Paul, that’s essentially most of the movie we want that trailer had to have been seven minutes long.
[00:06:55] Adam Scott: It’s like that trailer plus just like an hour and a half of shoe leather.
[00:06:59] And that’s the,
[00:07:01] Jason Mantzoukas: Every, they show us every bit of travel. If they’re going from here to there, you’re seeing. seen every step of the way, every jog, every, they watch, we watch that kid stretch before he jogs into town.
[00:07:14] Adam Scott: We really did watch that teen boy stretch.
[00:07:18] Paul Scheer: This movie, what’s so interesting about it too is like.
[00:07:21] You know, it’s a low budget film, and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen driving scenes where they’re not like on a process trailer, like they really are driving. So the actors can’t really take their eyes off the road. Like they’re, what? He’s trying to do his lines over his shoulder, but he, he, those, those eyes are like, uh, will crash the car.
[00:07:37] Um, but I’m so excited. Um, I’m so excited tonight. Um, hold on one second. I quick clip sec.
[00:07:43] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh my God.
[00:07:43] Adam Scott: Wait. No, no. Whoa. Wait, wait. I was, don’t drink it. Don’t, don’t drink.
[00:07:49] Paul Scheer: Oh, I just had to, was this here? Okay, well. I mean, I’ll get back to it in a second.
[00:07:52] Jason Mantzoukas: It does feel like everything in the movie is taking place during like when shamrock shakes are being sold.
[00:07:59] Like it was, the green was so green as to make me feel as though it was part of like Irish mythology or something.
[00:08:06] June Diane Raphael: Well, you know
[00:08:06] what I have
[00:08:07] to
[00:08:07] say this. This is what’s really weird about the movie. Like, and I w we’re going to get into so much.
[00:08:12] Jason Mantzoukas: This is what’s weird about it?
[00:08:14] June Diane Raphael: And the
[00:08:14] only thing is the only thing that’s weird and, and, and struck me.
[00:08:19] They are. So hungry and I’d love to talk about the time frame of the movie and how long the movie takes place over but they have not eaten and the food that is presented to them that the goblins present to them is so disgusting looking.
[00:08:36] Adam Scott: So gross.
[00:08:37] June Diane Raphael: So it’s
[00:08:38] so it’s beige it’s like the
[00:08:40] Paul Scheer: worst supermarket cakes that you would ever see it’s like oh
[00:08:43] Adam Scott: Yeah Cakes and puddings and just goo and they’re like it’s delicious writing on it.
[00:08:51] Jason Mantzoukas: Everything is writing on it.
[00:08:52] Enjoy or this or that everything a lot of piping feels like Yeah, a lot of piping a lot of amateur piping and everything feels like it’s also on an episode of like is this cake? Yes, you know.
[00:09:04] Paul Scheer: Well, let me tell you this. We got so much to unpack. Let’s get into it. This movie starts with I mean really it reminded me of a Princess Bride.
[00:09:13] I mean, this is exactly Of Peter Fox. I feel like in Little Kid Story.
[00:09:17] Jason Mantzoukas: I feel like Grandpa Seth is even doing Peter Fox cadence. He, you know.
[00:09:21] Adam Scott: Yes.
[00:09:22] Paul Scheer: The weirdest thing is like when it, you know, it starts off and you see this like little pipe piper running in the forest. The weird thing is, is like the boy interrupts the story and the grandfather’s like listen and then a closeup on the grandfather’s lips, which I’ve never seen done.
[00:09:39] I didn’t, when it’s not like supposed to be sexy, like I’ve only lips.
[00:09:43] Adam Scott: When it’s not a grandpa’s lips.
[00:09:44] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh yeah. Oh, and he’s not saying it’s like as if these are the most important words. It’s also, it’s a closeup on his lips sideways. It’s not like a closeup like this. It’s like.
[00:09:58] Very weird.
[00:10:00] June Diane Raphael: Let me ask a question about grandpa Seth real quick. And I, I actually, I’m going to say, I’m going to be very honest and open and vulnerable right now and just say, yeah, I’m going to be very, very open and speak my truth, which is that I don’t quite understand the difference between a goblin and a troll.
[00:10:18] Paul Scheer: Oh, June, I’m so happy you said this because
[00:10:20] June Diane Raphael: I don’t
[00:10:21] quite know what the difference is between the two.
[00:10:24] Paul Scheer: Molly. Our, uh, our amazing producer Molly thought that this might come up and she pulled something that I have access to called the folklore creatures cheat sheet. Uh, so if you’d like to know, I could tell you by definition what a goblin and a troll is, or you can guess.
[00:10:42] Adam Scott: C. C. S. Got one of those.
[00:10:45] June Diane Raphael: I
[00:10:46] don’t, I guess. Well, let me ask you this. Let me ask a follow up question because, well, Well, what I was going to ask about grandpa Seth was, I couldn’t understand throughout the movie why grandpa Seth had taken us through this entire journey and why they were intent on doing this Airbnb exchange and living the life of farmers and their ancestors on the land and why grandpa Seth was foregrounding the it. Was he a troll or a goblin at some point?
[00:11:26] Jason Mantzoukas: And why did the goblin, why did the troll goblins say that he’d been in, he was in hell? Like I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand what the trolls and the, I guess trolls, because let’s be honest, we’re going to say troll, but there is no mention of trolls in the entire movie. It’s just goblins. So my, I didn’t understand how the goblins were related to like the idea of.
[00:11:48] heaven or hell. They seem to be folkloric beings from fairy tales, but are somehow snapping people to and from hell. But, but grandpa Seth literally says is he’s like almost dying right before he tosses that Molotov cocktail lightning bolt at the, the vegan preacher. He says, I wasn’t really in hell like he, he’s like, don’t believe that part.
[00:12:12] Adam Scott: The, the, the rules for seeing grandpa for grandpa appearing aren’t, aren’t clear and, or consistent.
[00:12:19] Like sometimes it’s the mirror, but the first time we see him in a mirror isn’t until like 40 minutes into the movie. It happens twice, and then he looks into another mirror to try and summon him, and he doesn’t appear again in a mirror for the rest of the movie.
[00:12:34] Paul Scheer: When we
[00:12:35] introduce you to him, he’s in a chair, a rocking chair, and then sometimes he’s like hiding behind the outside of a window.
[00:12:42] Why isn’t he in the house?
[00:12:43] Jason Mantzoukas: Like sometimes he is taking the place of another actual corporeal human being, i. e. the hitchhiker. Like when Joshua says, I’m going to throw up, I’m going to throw up. I’m sorry. When the boy, when the boy says, I’m going to throw up, I’m going to throw up. He gets out of the car and he runs directly to the, to the hitchhiker.
[00:13:01] And it’s just grandpa Seth’s face. Um, he’s having like this. I was deeply worried for the boy.
[00:13:09] June Diane Raphael: Well, I was worried for the boy too.
[00:13:10] to because of the way that our parents were handling the boy’s grief.
[00:13:16] Paul Scheer: Oh, June. Oh, man.
[00:13:17] June Diane Raphael: I
[00:13:18] really, you know, and especially the mom who I could talk about for roughly the next two and a half
[00:13:26] hours.
[00:13:26] Adam Scott: Yes. Indeed.
[00:13:27] Jason Mantzoukas: You know, both of those parents, both of those parents. I also need to go ahead, please.
[00:13:33] June Diane Raphael: Well, just quickly, I need to talk about the reveal of dad.
[00:13:38] Jason Mantzoukas: I need to talk about his pajamas. I need to talk about dad’s pajamas and how they are never. They are constantly being more and more unbuttoned.
[00:13:48] Here’s the thing for every
[00:13:50] Adam Scott: PJs
[00:13:50] Jason Mantzoukas: For every 50, 000 we raise, I will unbutton one more button until I’m full dad pajama.
[00:13:59] June Diane Raphael: Leg up to.
[00:14:01] Adam Scott: 350,000 to get that low.
[00:14:05] Paul Scheer: He is taken. He is in such a state, like he looks like he is. Ready, like ready for love. I mean, it looks like she has been already possessed by the goblins like from moment one to the end.
[00:14:18] Jason Mantzoukas: She’s definitely feels like it also definitely feels to me as though the dad, the actor is constantly being like, I think we’ve been fooling around, you know, and no, no, no, no, that’s not what this is. And then he’s like, between takes because there’s the first scene where he’s where there’s two two scenes where he’s wearing pajamas.
[00:14:36] The first scene, there’s two different angles and in one he’s buttoned up and in the other he’s buttoned completely open like he’s playing the scene his way, which is, you know, it’s like when Jeff Bridges said to the Coen brothers on the Big Lebowski before every take, do you think the dude burned one before in the car on the way over?
[00:14:55] Uh, this guy’s like, I think we were just
[00:14:58] doing it.
[00:14:59] Adam Scott: But he has all these ideas, but then the camera turns on and he freezes up and does what he did in the movie.
[00:15:09] Paul Scheer: Here’s the thing. Um, the, the opening line of the dad really does feel like you’re watching the worst improv scene at all of all times. Like, yeah. Okay, great. So we’ll do business and, uh, we’ll make sure that that thing is business is done. All right, great. Well, we’ll see you.
[00:15:24] June Diane Raphael: Okay. I was actually obsessed with that because I kind of was concerned about that business because it is so vague and they’re going on this vacation now they are also, this family fascinates me because they are in grief.
[00:15:42] We have learned,
[00:15:43] Paul Scheer: How long the grandpa die? Six months. Okay. And
[00:15:47] June Diane Raphael: Six months. But I for for some of us, that’s no time. I think
[00:15:52] Jason Mantzoukas: he seems like a big part of their lives. Grandpa Seth seems like he was a big part of their lives. They’re dealing with it differently.
[00:15:58] Paul Scheer: And his daughter.
[00:15:59] Adam Scott: Literally don’t give a shit except for the little boy.
[00:16:02] Jason Mantzoukas: His daughter is getting jacked. The daughter’s getting jacked. I’m assuming in order to fight death.
[00:16:08] Adam Scott: Right?
[00:16:09] Paul Scheer: Wait, I want to talk about the daughter. I just want to, I just
[00:16:11] Jason Mantzoukas: She has so much weight. She has so much exercise equipment.
[00:16:15] Adam Scott: In her room and she’s lifting weights. They cut away for like 20 minutes and come back.
[00:16:19] She’s still pumping iron.
[00:16:21] Jason Mantzoukas: S exercise.
[00:16:22] June Diane Raphael: Only upper body
[00:16:25] Paul Scheer: Again. Camera lingers where the sexiest part. The neck, the neck, the like that part of the neck that just right. Yeah, right there. It’s the nape of the neck
[00:16:35] Jason Mantzoukas: Well, that’s the sweat collector when you’re lying back on the bench. That’s that’s where you get it That’s a shot glass full of sweat Paul.
[00:16:40] Paul Scheer: I mean i’ve talked about cum gutters before I don’t know if that’s sweat gutters up top
[00:16:47] I’ll tell you this. I laughed the hardest when it was poster of Johnny Depp poster of Tom Cruise image of a
[00:16:54] Smurf.
[00:16:57] June Diane Raphael: You know what? I actually, I would thought about that later on when she’s having a conversation with Elliot, the boyfriend, Elliot. Um, and she’s. First of all, she switches gears so quickly with him.
[00:17:12] I couldn’t, I couldn’t follow where she was, but poor guy. But at some, at a certain point in that bedroom scene with them, with him, she does seem to want to have sex with him.
[00:17:24] Paul Scheer: Oh, big
[00:17:24] time.
[00:17:25] June Diane Raphael: Think. Okay.
[00:17:26] Paul Scheer: Can we watch clip two? Can we watch clip two and just see it? Just like, let’s enjoy it first. Like, here we go.
[00:17:30] This is the scene.
[00:17:31] Movie Audio: I like you, but my family doesn’t like you. They say you’re good for nothing, and that you spend way too much time with your friends.
[00:17:39] Oh, oh, but I swear I never see them.
[00:17:44] Elliot, how long is this going to take? We’re sick of waiting for you. Don’t you want to come to Tonino’s with us, Holly?
[00:17:49] Don’t you want some pizza? Man, these are cute. These are cute. Hey! Hey, hey!
[00:17:55] Do you see?
[00:17:56] What’s wrong with having friends?
[00:18:00] Nothing, if you want to remain a virgin for life. You take them to bed with you too, and I don’t believe in group sex.
[00:18:08] Is it true that your family’s going on vacation tomorrow?
[00:18:11] Yes.
[00:18:11] I’ll come with you?
[00:18:13] Okay, I’ll tell my father that you’re coming with us tomorrow. Where are we going? Nilbog, a wonderful half empty town.
[00:18:19] Adam Scott: Half empty?
[00:18:20] Movie Audio: It’s an exchange. A family from the country is coming to live here, and we’re going to live in their house. Oh, Elliot, it will be wonderful. You and me, in the woods. This time, we’ll be able to be together for sure.
[00:18:37] Paul Scheer: He said it, Adam. Half empty. I mean, half empty is Like.
[00:18:41] June Diane Raphael: Let
[00:18:41] me ask this question
[00:18:42] though, Paul, like, so, so this is a big storyline throughout the movie that, and that the fact that he wants to be with friends, that he has too many friends, this is a big issue for them and I couldn’t help but wonder number one.
[00:18:59] Why do they truly, why do they care that he has friends?
[00:19:04] Jason Mantzoukas: Yeah. Why does that, doesn’t that, why that’s, that would seem to me to be like, Oh, he’s got a group of friends, like he, they’re social and unless they’re being shown to be demonstrably bad, which they’re not.
[00:19:16] June Diane Raphael: Goofy kids, but then also. Why does he have those friends around him?
[00:19:23] Paul Scheer: I think there’s a little bit of gay panic in here Yes, cuz she’s like you are a homo. Because you’re hanging out with your friends like basically like.
[00:19:31] Jason Mantzoukas: But also her dad her dad is his bid is biggest criticism is That he’s always hanging out with those friends.
[00:19:40] That’s like, that’s the reason the parents don’t like him either. Is that he’s not making her the priority. I’m not sure what it is. It doesn’t make any sense because the honestly Elliot and his friends seem like perfectly lovely doofuses. You know.
[00:19:55] Paul Scheer: They’re knuckleheads. They’re real knuckleheads. They’re the best.
[00:19:58] Jason Mantzoukas: Poor Arnold who gets turned into a tree and cut down with a chainsaw.
[00:20:04] Paul Scheer: Arnold deserved it.
[00:20:05] Jason Mantzoukas: These fuckin dorks.
[00:20:06] Adam Scott: My favorite scene. We’ll talk about them.
[00:20:10] Jason Mantzoukas: I wish the movie was about the four idiots in the RV. Where’d they get the RV?
[00:20:15] June Diane Raphael: So many questions about that RV.
[00:20:16] Jason Mantzoukas: I wish I had 15 minutes of that. I wish I had 15 minutes of them just finding and getting the RV.
[00:20:21] June Diane Raphael: But I actually,
[00:20:23] but I thought at a certain point in the movie, I was like, Oh, they already had this RV they’ve.
[00:20:30] Paul Scheer: Well they kept them waiting 90 minutes,
[00:20:35] but then they’re ahead of them.
[00:20:37] So the boyfriend clearly left earlier than them. No one’s communicating anything like the boyfriend, then he does want to be with her. He just forgot to tell her that he left early because they’re on the side of the road seeing them. It makes like, I can’t figure out if this guy’s a dick or if he’s not like normally these movies, they let you know one way or the other, like Adventures of Babysitting when it’s like Bradley Whitford, you know, we know he’s kind of a bad dude, you know, here like we don’t know.
[00:21:05] Adam Scott: But the dad, I think he does have that RV because the dad sees the RV from like three quarters of a mile away and is like, yeah, It’s your boyfriend with his no good friends like it is super far so he knew knows exactly who it is And I was wondering as far as the gay panic goes are they trying to infer
[00:21:24] that these guys because they wake up in the bed the two guys are like In a small bed without clothes on waking up in the morning together. Are they actually trying to infer that they are actually gay together? No, right?
[00:21:40] Paul Scheer: They’re just trying to No, because they’re also
[00:21:41] trying to deflower people because when they hear that scream, they’re like, Uh oh, we did it.
[00:21:46] Adam Scott: Girls!
[00:21:47] Paul Scheer: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:21:48] June Diane Raphael: Liberated women.
[00:21:48] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh, they’re so into this town full of, like, available women.
[00:21:52] Paul Scheer: The town of 25 people.
[00:21:54] June Diane Raphael: Well,
[00:21:56] but, but there is, I was just going to say, there’s one moment that did make me think that the guys were fucking each other in the RV because, because it’s when she shows up around the corner of the RV, Holly, the daughter, and she’s walking and she’s big, mad, and she’s going to say her piece.
[00:22:20] And he comes out of that RV looking, there’s no other way to say it, but freshly fucked. He’s looking disheveled and, and hiding something behind there. It, I did not know how to read that scene. You saw it too, Adam?
[00:22:40] Adam Scott: 100
[00:22:41] percent I thought these guys were all fucking each other in the RV.
[00:22:44] Jason Mantzoukas: Interesting.
[00:22:45] Paul Scheer: This is an open time.
[00:22:47] This is the 80s. People are trying stuff. They’re having fun. It’s not even, we don’t have to label it. It’s poly it’s just fun.
[00:22:54] June Diane Raphael: It’s a polycule in there. That’s wonderful.
[00:22:56] Paul Scheer: If you can’t find a girl, Sleep with your friends,
[00:23:00] we’re not judging here, we’re doing vacation swaps, right?
[00:23:04] Jason Mantzoukas: We love it, we love it, listen, if the RVs are rocking, don’t come a knocking.
[00:23:09] Adam Scott: By the way, just, just to go back to them going on this fucking trip in the first place, they go, they, they want to go, the dad really wants to go to their ancestors, their farmers and peasants, just like our ancestors, but the people who they’re doing the house swap with. Are complete strangers, right? They aren’t family.
[00:23:29] Am I right about that? This is where they.
[00:23:32] Jason Mantzoukas: They seem to be like stymied again when they realize that the people have not left the town that are still there.
[00:23:39] Paul Scheer: I guess my
[00:23:39] question is this why is it so complicated for these goblins like? It’s like they’re setting up so much systems, like, just throw the spear, the wooden spirit, the, like, why do they have to, why, why all this, yeah,
[00:23:52] June Diane Raphael: I have even a bigger question.
[00:23:53] I want to pull out even further because I, and again, I could have misread this and we know that that’s possible, but I believe this movie is about, you said it in the beginning, these goblins having to eat plants and having to eat vegetation. And so what they do to feed on to, to feed themselves. So what they do is they end up turning these human beings made of meat into vegetation that they can eat.
[00:24:28] And then they, why not just eat plants?
[00:24:32] Jason Mantzoukas: I felt like, cause it worked in different ways, right? Arnold gets turned into a tree that needs to be cut down. The girl that Arnold is chasing turns into a puddle of goo. Yeah.
[00:24:43] Paul Scheer: But they eat that puddle of goo.
[00:24:45] Jason Mantzoukas: I felt like, oh, are the humans, are they using the people as like manure basically as something that the plants can grow out of?
[00:24:52] But no, because sometimes the people just turn into a puddle of green goo that they start eating.
[00:24:57] Adam Scott: They eat the goo.
[00:24:58] Jason Mantzoukas: I don’t know. And that goo is not vegan. It’s made of melted people.
[00:25:02] Paul Scheer: No, I think that, I think that like what they’re talking about, well, first of all, sap in this movie, everything that’s sap is green, which I don’t think that’s the color of sap.
[00:25:13] Uh, again, I’m no botanist, uh, but sap is green in this movie. And I think when they give them a bite of the plant life, their bodies, uh, it runs through their system and then their body turns. to plant.
[00:25:28] Jason Mantzoukas: So that’s why they’re sweating green. Green is going down. They become plant. Well, the grandfather, Grandpa Seth, when he’s talking to the boy says chlorophyll at the beginning of the movie as the only I feel like word that gives us a sense of like, Oh, well, of course, chlorophyll, right?
[00:25:47] Paul Scheer: I mean, it is. It’s bizarre because it’s like everything is so green. I’m sorry.
[00:25:53] Jason Mantzoukas: And, um, that’s a different one. Oh, that’s a different green.
[00:25:58] Oh, my God.
[00:26:00] Adam Scott: Oh, wait. Oh, yeah.
[00:26:02] Paul Scheer: I got it. I got it. I’m so sorry.
[00:26:04] Adam Scott: It’s too late.
[00:26:05] It’s too
[00:26:06] late. You guys didn’t.
[00:26:08] June Diane Raphael: Oh, God.
[00:26:09] Paul Scheer: But it is. It is. But I guess my question is this. They want to kill humans.
[00:26:16] Easy peasy. But why do they have to make them like, why do they have to trick them with these elaborate meals? When they check into that house, there’s like a whole buffet set up in the house. You’re not even buffet a full dinner. Oh, wow.
[00:26:29] Jason Mantzoukas: Well, they would have eaten it except that grandpa Seth arrives on the scene with time freezing powers.
[00:26:38] FYI and incentivizes the and incentivizes the boy to dot, dot, dot piss on the food.
[00:26:47] Adam Scott: Piss.
[00:26:47] Jason Mantzoukas: So when those people wake up, let’s keep in mind, we cut away from the boy on the table, opening his pants. When these people wake up, they wake up mid bite and their son slash brother is standing on the table. I mean, this movie.
[00:27:03] Paul Scheer: This is also, he doesn’t tell him to piss.
[00:27:07] That’s the thing I rewatched because he doesn’t say like, he’s like, you have to stop them. Then the boy.
[00:27:13] Jason Mantzoukas: I’ll be honest. That was my first impulse immediately. I got to it quick. I got it. I got to it quicker than the boy.
[00:27:18] Paul Scheer: The boy, he has 30 seconds. I’ve never seen anyone take. A 30 seconds more relaxed. He’s like, huh?
[00:27:26] Walks around, looks at it like 30 seconds is clicking down.
[00:27:32] June Diane Raphael: Throw
[00:27:32] it out. We are with him the entire time. Take it. I’ll pick it all up, run it outside, throw it out in the
[00:27:38] Paul Scheer: Nope. And
[00:27:38] he’s like, piss. Now what I imagine happens because the scene cuts, he must’ve pissed on them. Like a firehose.
[00:27:46] Yeah, like, yeah, it couldn’t have just been I’m pissing on the table. Like it had to get on the corn that the daughter’s eating.
[00:27:51] Jason Mantzoukas: And, you know, you know, that kid’s not hydrated enough. He’s too young to he’s not hydrated. There’s no way, right?
[00:27:57] Adam Scott: That’s not a huge bladder.
[00:27:59] June Diane Raphael: Yeah, no. Let me tell you this.
[00:28:01] Paul Scheer: They’ve been in the car for a long time.
[00:28:03] Jason Mantzoukas: That’s the rest of the movie.
[00:28:05] The rest of the movie. Every member of the family should be like, remember. What you did yesterday, remember. That should be the most important thing that’s happened to them up until that point.
[00:28:14] June Diane Raphael: And you’re absolutely right.
[00:28:15] Adam Scott: Literally, you stood
[00:28:16] on the table and pissed all over dinner.
[00:28:21] What is wrong with you?
[00:28:22] June Diane Raphael: If I had a child who on a vacation. Yeah, stood up on top of the table and pissed all over our food. We are. The vacations over like that’s that’s yesterday’s news. That’s done. We pack up immediately and we check him into some sort of a facility.
[00:28:40] Adam Scott: Yes.
[00:28:40] Paul Scheer: Now, here’s what I will say about
[00:28:43] things have gone bad.
[00:28:44] And I think that this whole family. Is slow to react. I mean, you know, like we said, they don’t deal with trauma well. The mom says in the beginning, you must banish the memory of your grandfather. Banished.
[00:28:56] Jason Mantzoukas: Well, she also she also makes him say a sentence that no child would ever know, which is grandpa Seth is just an invention of my subconscious.
[00:29:05] Paul Scheer: Which he isn’t.
[00:29:06] Jason Mantzoukas: That child that child should be taken away from her. So that is Yes. Crazy,
[00:29:13] June Diane Raphael: Sorry, but it’s just it’s also crazy that they are going on this sort of working vacation to process their grief and their loss of Grandpa Seth.
[00:29:27] Paul Scheer: I don’t think that’s part of
[00:29:29] it.
[00:29:30] June Diane Raphael: She says that.
[00:29:31] She says she says that that’s why we’re going.
[00:29:33] Paul Scheer: Okay. Okay.
[00:29:34] June Diane Raphael: She
[00:29:34] says that’s why we’re going so that we can you know try to move forward and it’s like wow, you didn’t want to go to a like a Sans or.
[00:29:44] Adam Scott: You know, right you go to where, where your former ancestors lived.
[00:29:50] Paul Scheer: But also you want to become a farmer for a month?
[00:29:53] Jason Mantzoukas: Some place with a pool.
[00:29:55] Go someplace
[00:29:56] with a pool.
[00:29:56] Adam Scott: She
[00:29:57] brings it up with the dad and the dad’s like Like he has he thinks grandpa is still here and the dad’s like Yeah, I had an imaginary friend when I was a kid like they’re they don’t give a shit.
[00:30:08] Jason Mantzoukas: What year is this paul? What year is this?
[00:30:11] Paul Scheer: 1990 1990 when you look on the poster on the wall, there is a poster of Michael Keaton in batman Also, this kid’s the worst sports fan in the world. He’s got so many opposing he’s got teams that are enemies on the wall Like there there’s too much they’ve got no rights to any of the major league baseball, but stuff too much stuff I will say this though.
[00:30:31] Um, here’s my thought I’m the daughter. I’m eating my corn. My brother starts pissing on the table. I’m just going to pull back. I’m just going to eat that corn. Yeah.
[00:30:41] June Diane Raphael: At that point, he
[00:30:43] might. But Paul, in that 30, here’s what I imagine that in the 30 seconds he managed to spray. So he to get everywhere. I think
[00:30:53] Jason Mantzoukas: He has to get everything, which means let’s be clear because they’re all holding food.
[00:30:58] He has pissed on all of them
[00:31:01] Paul Scheer: from a standing position at a circular table.
[00:31:04] Jason Mantzoukas: In order to get the food that
[00:31:05] they’re holding, he would have to piss on their faces and chests. Yeah, and let’s let’s where are those scenes? Did they shoot them?
[00:31:13] June Diane Raphael: Well, I know I was glad they weren’t in there. I was glad they she said
[00:31:16] Adam Scott: She
[00:31:18] was throwing it out.
[00:31:21] Paul Scheer: Gave me everything that I needed to see her scraping piss soaked dishes and then the father I mean, there’s so much to this movie.
[00:31:30] We could get by it by beat by beat. I mean, the fact that the other family left the delineation of who’s in what room, like they put cardboard, they put like a little construction paper up on each door. Like this is for Mr. And Mrs. So and so, this is for the boy. This is for the girl. Like, why would they just, why would, yeah.
[00:31:47] So when he’s running down the hall, every door has another label on it. Like, so that like, they’re like, well, we’ve determined where your family sleeps.
[00:31:55] And the
[00:31:55] Adam Scott: grandpa still got the wrong room. He went and haunted the sister.
[00:31:59] Paul Scheer: It’s a
[00:31:59] new, it’s a new layout for him.
[00:32:02] Adam Scott: I love that. That he’s like, I don’t, I don’t know the layout of this new place.
[00:32:05] That was pretty funny.
[00:32:07] Jason Mantzoukas: I loved it. I loved in the scene before when they’re driving to town and they’re all getting to a screaming fight and the mom is like, Joshua, sing a song. Sing that song I like. Yeah. And they sing. Row, row, row your boat. That’s the song she liked in 1990. That’s our favorite song, Joshua.
[00:32:27] As if she can’t remember what it is.
[00:32:29] Adam Scott: Not CNC
[00:32:30] music factory. Row, row, row your boat.
[00:32:33] Paul Scheer: Now I will say this. I laughed at that and I was like, that’s ridiculous. But then June, it did remind me of something that we have done on trips.
[00:32:41] June Diane Raphael: What’s
[00:32:41] that?
[00:32:43] Paul Scheer: We have sung the Burger King theme song in the row, row, row your boat cadence with our family.
[00:32:51] Jason Mantzoukas: What’s the Burger King theme song?
[00:32:54] June Diane Raphael: What is it? I can’t remember.
[00:32:55] Paul Scheer: It’s like, uh, have, uh, your way or it’s like,
[00:33:02] June Diane Raphael: Have it your way. You rule. It’s very catchy and I know it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense.
[00:33:11] Paul Scheer: A car trip game for us, but it has and we dread it.
[00:33:17] Jason Mantzoukas: And don’t, don’t, doesn’t Burger King have a new burger with Tillamook cheese on it?
[00:33:21] Paul Scheer: Hey, Tillamook, you can’t beat Tillamook cheese.
[00:33:24] Adam Scott: Man,
[00:33:25] that
[00:33:25] sounds
[00:33:25] good. By the way, those poor actors, all the sweating of the green and the goo and the like sandwiches with the green, it just looks disgusting.
[00:33:36] Jason Mantzoukas: The guy who gets turned
[00:33:37] into, disgusting, the guy that gets turned into a tree, all that shit on him, it looked like he had an alien face hugger on his face.
[00:33:44] Adam Scott: And you know, it just took so long.
[00:33:45] The movie,
[00:33:46] Jason Mantzoukas: it looked like the boy had a chest burst or there’s a lot of like references.
[00:33:49] Paul Scheer: Why can’t they eat? Like when the father goes, you can’t piss on hospitality, which I think is a beautiful sentiment, uh, obviously, you know, we, that’s something that lesson learned, you can’t piss on hospitality and he, and he goes for his belt and I think, oh no, he’s going to, he’s going to use his belt on the boy and then he’s like, no, I’m, I’m tightening my belt to take away the hunger pains
[00:34:12] June Diane Raphael: So Paul, yes, so here’s what, so all the food’s been pissed on, we can’t go back and eat that.
[00:34:21] The one general store in town has those farmers hanging out in there who are not very welcoming, and there’s no food in town, and it seems that they cannot get to any groceries, sundries, sundries, sundries. They’re there.
[00:34:42] Paul Scheer: They brought
[00:34:42] nothing. They brought nothing. They’re so angry that this family, this family is like, they didn’t leave anything for us.
[00:34:49] It’s like, of course they didn’t leave anything.
[00:34:50] Jason Mantzoukas: They have a car. They have a car. They can go. What’s confusing to me is the movies. Logic would make more sense if they were stranded right? But they’re not. They have the ability to move around as much as they want. They have also just arrived. They arrive, they walk in and the food is there.
[00:35:09] The boy pisses on the food. Then they are, then they appear to be so hungry as to be haven’t eaten in weeks instead of mere hours. Mustn’t they have just had food on the road? What is going on?
[00:35:21] June Diane Raphael: Time problem. Cause they say it’s nighttime and it’s brightest day.
[00:35:25] Adam Scott: Sure is. They can’t. They say this
[00:35:28] time of night and it is daytime.
[00:35:31] June Diane Raphael: It’s
[00:35:31] just
[00:35:32] simply daytime.
[00:35:32] Paul Scheer: Here’s something that I did hear,
[00:35:34] um, you know, the, the, the, the script writer was Italian. Uh, she wrote it, uh, in very, um, in, in a, in a rough English and, uh, the actors begged her that, can we just put this in our own words? And they said, no.
[00:35:47] Adam Scott: Uh huh.
[00:35:48] Paul Scheer: So they were not able, they were never able to ad lib.
[00:35:52] They were never able to like acknowledge what was going on. Like they had to just like. It was like.
[00:35:56] June Diane Raphael: That’s why a teenage boy at
[00:35:57] one point said, don’t fret.
[00:35:59] Adam Scott: Yeah.
[00:36:00] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh, and so many like the mother just calling him dear. Oh, dear. Go to bed, dear. It’s dear. Oh, and I was like, so weird how much she’s only calling him dear.
[00:36:10] Paul Scheer: And I want to like talk like, look, yes, is the acting bad in this? Of course. We don’t need to go over it that much. But I do believe the mom, I want to just go back to the mom does look like she is heavily medicated. It’s not like she’s a bad actress. It looks like she is, or she has made a choice to seem like she’s on Thorazine or something like that.
[00:36:30] There is a, there’s something going on.
[00:36:32] Adam Scott: I
[00:36:32] think those goblin masks, they blink more often than the mom does in this movie. She just, just saucers that do not move. No matter what.
[00:36:45] June Diane Raphael: She
[00:36:45] has nothing going on behind the eyes. She’s gone. She’s, she’s.
[00:36:50] Paul Scheer: I wanted it to be revealed that the
[00:36:52] mom was in on the whole thing.
[00:36:53] The mom orchestrated that she was. Yes, she killed her father. Brought them.
[00:36:58] Jason Mantzoukas: Yes, she’s from this town and has some connection because it’s her father. That’s that’s grandpa Seth. No, it doesn’t seem like any of that.
[00:37:04] Adam Scott: Nothing.
[00:37:05] Paul Scheer: Here’s my favorite part. It’s a scene. Uh, eight how they find out that Nilbog is
[00:37:12] Goblin. And I have questions, but here, let’s watch this.
[00:37:21] Jason Mantzoukas: Uh oh.
[00:37:30] Paul Scheer: What I love about this is, There, the plan was, He will see the name of the town, he’ll see Nilbog in a mirror, and it will be reversed, so then he’ll be able to read Goblin. But when he looks at it in the mirror, it still spells, it’s not reversed, there’s no, there’s no difference.
[00:37:52] Adam Scott: Indecipherable.
[00:37:54] Paul Scheer: Yeah, it’s like you and, and, but yet he commits to, Oh, for the first time I’m seeing it, but there’s no, there’s no.
[00:38:01] Jason Mantzoukas: But here’s the thing.
[00:38:02] It, it doesn’t matter that Joshua finds out it’s goblin. He knows there’s goblins. He’s the only one that knows the truth. Meanwhile, The father, they’ve, the, him and his dad is, have gone to the store. The father has fallen asleep within seconds of sitting down outdoors in, on a bench, reading a book that I believe just identifies different types of vegetables.
[00:38:28] Paul Scheer: It’s called cooking vegetables, which also in.
[00:38:33] Adam Scott: Yeah, it’s like a children’s book about cooking vegetables. He’s like, Oh, this looks interesting.
[00:38:38] Jason Mantzoukas: It’s like that thing where in you, there’s just absolutely nothing to read and you have time to kill and you’re like waiting in a waiting room or something.
[00:38:45] You’re like, okay, I’ll pick up this magazine that I otherwise wouldn’t read. He has picked up this, he’s picked up a picture, a child’s picture.
[00:38:53] Adam Scott: But where was it? Is it sitting on the street?
[00:38:56] Paul Scheer: I think it was sitting on that chair. And did that book put him to sleep or is the father narcoleptic? Because from picking up that book to being completely zonked out is maybe 30 seconds.
[00:39:10] Adam Scott: Yeah,
[00:39:11] at most.
[00:39:12] June Diane Raphael: Well, Paul, you, you said you have some sort of a cheat sheet on goblins and trolls. What do you, what do you see there about their relationship to vegetables?
[00:39:26] Jason Mantzoukas: Yeah. Get back, get back to that. Like, let’s go to the, let’s go to the goblin fact sheet.
[00:39:30] Paul Scheer: Yeah. All
[00:39:30] right. Uh, this is, uh, of course by our producer.
[00:39:33] She found this out. A goblin is a small, grotesque, monstrous creature appearing in folklore from European cultures. Um, they have all kinds of temperance, uh, temperaments, I’m sorry. And their appearances change based on the story or the country of origin. Um, Goblette is how you refer to a female goblin. And, Uh.
[00:39:53] June Diane Raphael: I don’t,
[00:39:53] Don’t think there were any female goblins.
[00:39:55] I didn’t notice. I assumed they were all men, and maybe that’s my bias that I have to work on.
[00:40:00] Well, and
[00:40:02] Jason Mantzoukas: is the woman, is the woman in the house that looks like a church? Is she like Queen of the goblins? What’s the title?
[00:40:07] Paul Scheer: I wanna get into her.
[00:40:08] Adam Scott: For bringing her up.
[00:40:10] Jason Mantzoukas: Yeah, she Or is she the goblin queen? Just a, it’s Stonehenge, but it’s not.
[00:40:14] Paul Scheer: I wanna bring two things together and then I’ll, because I wanna get into this. I will also say this, the original English translations of the Smurfs, they were called the Goblins.
[00:40:25] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh, huh.
[00:40:25] Paul Scheer: So, okay. And I think that Garel.
[00:40:28] Jason Mantzoukas: So Papa. Papa Goblin. Papa Goblin, handy Goblin, uh, Golin, goblin Golin.
[00:40:35] June Diane Raphael: I’m realizing, and I want to hear more from you, Paul, on this, but I’m realizing that I’m just thinking about gender and goblins now, and I’m like, well, I saw me, I think I saw many adults
[00:40:51] and children, women, women and girls turn into goblins before my very eyes. But once they were goblins, I didn’t see any gender identifiers. I assumed that they were all men, male creatures,
[00:41:07] Paul Scheer: Carried themselves like men. Right. This seemed like a town and it seemed like the women in the town. Well, everybody that’s a human is a goblin.
[00:41:16] Jason Mantzoukas: I don’t know that we, uh, I maybe, right, because everybody is also, everybody in town is a goblin. Yes. Everyone in town is certainly a goblin.
[00:41:22] Paul Scheer: But I do believe that the Garel character, if we’re keeping the Smurfs analogy is like she’s, oh, the goblin queen. She’s the goblin queen. I think that she is like, these are my children and she’s pushing out,
[00:41:35] ’cause like she lives, she seems to be overseeing everything. Everything.
[00:41:39] Adam Scott: And she
[00:41:40] had all of the
[00:41:41] special powers. Definitely. Doesn’t she do something at the end that’s. Super. Yeah.
[00:41:48] Paul Scheer: Oh,
[00:41:48] Adam Scott: people that have young. Yeah, that’s right.
[00:41:50] Jason Mantzoukas: Lightning and
[00:41:51] Adam Scott: People that have powers in the movie don’t really use, they use them like once.
[00:41:56] Paul Scheer: And then,
[00:41:57] and yeah, so you can’t really tell if it’s like a thing that they go to a lot.
[00:41:59] Like even grandpa Seth being able to shoot lightning. I was like, wait, why didn’t we use this more times? Yeah.
[00:42:06] June Diane Raphael: And, and also turns out that yeah, that the humans have power to, which is to just, I think, think good thoughts and grandpa says that we’ll get to that, I guess. But grandpa Seth says at the very end of the movie at Stonehenge, he’s like, and obviously, as I’ve said before, Just be good.
[00:42:28] I’m like, sir, I have never heard.
[00:42:29] Paul Scheer: What does that even mean?
[00:42:33] Let’s just see. Let’s see the witch’s introduction, this costume. And look again, they’re low hanging fruit here. Bad acting, bad sets, bad writing,
[00:42:42] June Diane Raphael: I thought this woman was amazing.
[00:42:44] Adam Scott: Me
[00:42:44] too.
[00:42:44] Paul Scheer: I was going to
[00:42:45] say. Fantastic.
[00:42:46] Jason Mantzoukas: And this is the
[00:42:47] best.
[00:42:48] Yes. Best intro of any character, everything.
[00:42:50] Paul Scheer: And I will say all of this while dressed like something you would get at a Halloween adventure and to pull off that level of acting and that bad of a costume really embraces trulys.
[00:43:00] Adam Scott: And then when she turns into the young version with the lighting and the, she was Stevie Nicks like in 1988. I love it.
[00:43:08] It’s fantastic.
[00:43:08] Jason Mantzoukas: Love
[00:43:09] it. Like . I would, that’s a like, somebody could take her scenes and cut a rad. Yeah. 80s, 90s music video that would be like, yes, please. Avaryll please. Great. Go ahead.
[00:43:21] Paul Scheer: Here we go. All right. This is the introduction. Scene three.
[00:43:26] Movie Audio: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Creedence Leonor Gielgud of ancient Druid origins.
[00:43:39] My ancestors came from Stonehenge.
[00:43:45] Am I mistaken or is there something wrong with the two of you?
[00:43:58] We, we need a doctor ma’am, please call the nearest hospital.
[00:44:03] There is no hospital in Nilbog. We are used to curing ourselves.
[00:44:13] Jason Mantzoukas: Loved it. Yeah.
[00:44:14] June Diane Raphael: No notes.
[00:44:15] Paul Scheer: No, by the way, saying you’re from Stonehenge is like saying I’m from the Empire State Building Like it’s not it’s not a place that’s like Stonehenge isn’t like an area. It is a it’s a stonehenge is literally a monument.
[00:44:29] Adam Scott: It’s not a town.
[00:44:31] Paul Scheer: Yeah, you
[00:44:31] didn’t live in Stonehenge. It’s not like
[00:44:36] June Diane Raphael: Miss where where what did she say?
[00:44:39] Where did she say her, her family, what, what is she?
[00:44:42] Paul Scheer: Ancient
[00:44:43] druid origins. Ancient, that’s the, that’s the most vague way of, oh yes, um, where are you from? What, what country are you from? Oh, I have ancient druid origins.
[00:44:53] Jason Mantzoukas: You know, uh, my dad is from Greece. My mom is of ancient druid origins. Oh, oh, oh.
[00:45:04] My mom is A D O, my dad’s from Greece.
[00:45:06] June Diane Raphael: Listen, by the
[00:45:07] way, special How Did This Get Made all Star Jessica Sinclair has recently found out that, that she has It’s more than your average amount of Neanderthal in her blood.
[00:45:20] Jason Mantzoukas: Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:45:22] June Diane Raphael: So
[00:45:23] Jason Mantzoukas: yeah.
[00:45:23] June Diane Raphael: Some of us do have to, you know, have to identify.
[00:45:27] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh yeah.
[00:45:27] No. My 23
[00:45:28] and me came back super high on ancient Druid origin, super high.
[00:45:34] Adam Scott: Did, did Jessica St. Clair, did that really happen? Neanderthal?
[00:45:38] June Diane Raphael: Yes, Adam. Yes.
[00:45:39] Adam Scott: That’s wild.
[00:45:40] June Diane Raphael: She is. She has a pretty high percentage.
[00:45:42] Adam Scott: That’s
[00:45:42] fantastic.
[00:45:43] June Diane Raphael: Paul, Paul and Jason and Adam, there’s a moment where they start at grandpa Seth starts talking about how it’s not just that this woman. This witch or whatever she is, queen of the goblins, um, has these powers that the powers are coming from that little egg stone that she has. That they must destroy.
[00:46:06] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh yeah. And the, and the light is coming from the crack in the rock, but then there’s also the circular stone that’s, there’s a lot of magic that I, that is never given, at least as I could discern, exposition, to help us understand the, the wise and the hows of it. Right. It’s just there.
[00:46:28] Adam Scott: Rules are all over the place.
[00:46:30] Jason Mantzoukas: Yes. And all of that feels very Rocky Horror yeah. This whole, everything inside of this house. Totally. Felt very rocky horror picture in a, in a wonder way. Yes. Like every part of this was straight nuts.
[00:46:42] Adam Scott: And if you’re
[00:46:42] going to have like a MacGuffin, like a power center, like a thing where the power is emanating from, you should just have one of them because otherwise it just gets very confusing, very fast.
[00:46:55] Paul Scheer: But yet it’s all defeated by, and not to spoil it. A bologna sandwich, like a bologna sandwich really throws a wrench into everything
[00:47:06] June Diane Raphael: Because they don’t like meat, you know, the goblins are really climate warriors. Yeah, I don’t. And where did it come from? Grandpa Seth?
[00:47:16] Paul Scheer: The baloney sandwich?
[00:47:17] June Diane Raphael: Yeah.
[00:47:17] Paul Scheer: Was he hoarding it?
[00:47:19] I mean, cause the, the, the daughter also says I was fasting for two days. She doesn’t say like, we didn’t have food for two days. She fast.
[00:47:27] Jason Mantzoukas: By the way, by the way, that’s good. That’s good for her workout. She’s getting jacked. She’s, she’s cutting weight cause she’s a bodybuilder.
[00:47:34] Adam Scott: I feel
[00:47:35] like the.
[00:47:36] Jason Mantzoukas: That’s my head canon.
[00:47:38] Adam Scott: The, the, uh, now I know the, the Italian woman who wrote this screenplay is just hung up on food and consuming like, I just think there, and the filmmaker to just can’t, it’s all about food and grotesque, grotesque it is,
[00:47:58] June Diane Raphael: But Adam, there is a monologue when a bunch of the townspeople are meeting in that little room.
[00:48:05] Yeah. That little underground basement, I think for a service of some sort. Yeah. I don’t know what that was.
[00:48:11] Paul Scheer: A vegan service. They’re just talking about the a vegan service.
[00:48:14] Adam Scott: Yes. Like
[00:48:14] There Will Be Blood.
[00:48:16] June Diane Raphael: Yeah. And they’re talking about how disgusting meat is.
[00:48:20] Paul Scheer: Yeah. I’m a vegetarian and I’ll tell you this much.
[00:48:23] June Diane Raphael: I, but I’ll tell you, I found that monologue to be very effective , and yeah, I am.
[00:48:29] I don’t meat, but I, I watched that and I was like, yeah, it’s disgusting.
[00:48:35] Paul Scheer: When she
[00:48:37] says, think about the fats in your blood. Think about the cholesterol, but I do think on some level, this writer wrote this because she’s like, oh, I’m annoyed by my friends. Vegetarians are pissing me off. And I’m writing them as these monsters.
[00:48:55] They’re vegetarians are monsters to me. They get together, they commune, they talk about how great they are. Oh, they don’t want to eat a steak sandwich. These fucking idiots. Give me more pizza with the sausage on it.
[00:49:07] Adam Scott: Give me some of those steak sandwiches.
[00:49:08] You know, I used to eat meat. I used to eat meat up until I saw this movie this afternoon.
[00:49:14] June Diane Raphael: And then you said, wow.
[00:49:18] Adam Scott: Yeah,
[00:49:18] Jason Mantzoukas: I’ll be honest. I watched this whole movie. Not a thing was appetizing to me until that bologna sandwich. And I was like, absolutely. Chomp, chomp. Let’s go. Nom, nom, nom. I want that bologna sandwich. Now, everything else looked absolutely disgusto.
[00:49:33] June Diane Raphael: Well, of
[00:49:34] course. I mean, I’m a vegetarian, but I wasn’t looking at those meals.
[00:49:37] And, I mean, those, of course, weren’t on appetizer.
[00:49:40] Adam Scott: The milk looked pretty good, I gotta say.
[00:49:42] Jason Mantzoukas: Here’s, here’s the part, here’s the only thing that looked good to me. The popcorn. The corn on the cob and the popcorn that resulted in it is simultaneously the best food scene in it and the sexiest scene I’ve ever seen in my life.
[00:49:58] June Diane Raphael: I gotta tell you,
[00:49:59] that scene worked.
[00:50:01] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh, yeah. Because if you can get a girl hot enough. She’s gonna pop
[00:50:07] June Diane Raphael: Again. That scene. I was like, I, I, I am absolutely. I’m bored with this scene. I’m on board with the corn between them. I know.
[00:50:19] Jason Mantzoukas: When
[00:50:19] they are sharing it, when they are lady in the tramping, the corn on the cob, I was fucking, I was ready to rock.
[00:50:27] Paul Scheer: Uh, well, I mean, by the way, like, why was that boy so turned off again when we go back and not to make it all about, like, gay panic, but she is like, so she’s munching on that corn and he’s like, Oh, I wish that corn was my dick and that’s, and, but then they eat corn together. So he, then he goes, so like the images.
[00:50:47] Oh, if that was my dick, that would be great. But then he, it seems like he just wants the corn because they’re eating corn to get like when she puts it in his mouth.
[00:50:55] Jason Mantzoukas: But the corn becomes then the symbol of their explosive love because it one single ear of corn produces I’m going to say a metric ton of popcorn.
[00:51:08] Like he is.
[00:51:10] Adam Scott: He drowns in
[00:51:10] it.
[00:51:11] June Diane Raphael: They’re up to their ears in popcorn.
[00:51:11] Jason Mantzoukas: He
[00:51:12] is in a grave. He is dead. He’s D. O. A. inside of popcorn.
[00:51:17] Paul Scheer: But they also, they also feel like they didn’t have enough to really pull it off.
[00:51:20] Adam Scott: I think you’re right, Paul, that it’s like, Almost there. And they and they didn’t have quite enough popcorn to pull off the whole like drowning like in witness.
[00:51:28] So it’s like it appears that he could just stand up and he’d be fine.
[00:51:34] Paul Scheer: It’s like it’s like somebody throwing popcorn at it. It just feels like aggressive because the popcorn. Where is it even coming from? It should be coming from the kernel from the from the, but it’s coming from the side, right? Like, I mean, that, that happens a couple of times.
[00:51:47] Is it like George, like looking down a hallway, like left and right, and then walks two steps and that troll just like pops out of the side. It’s like you would have seen him. He’s he’s standing in the hall way.
[00:51:55] Adam Scott: No one has peripheral
[00:51:56] vision.
[00:51:57] Jason Mantzoukas: I would like to say that I, the chat has come up with a good joke and it is.
[00:52:03] Geocorn.
[00:52:04] Adam Scott: Oh, that’s great.
[00:52:04] Jason Mantzoukas: The chat is saying geocorn, which is a home run. I don’t know who said it I just am seeing it splash by very quickly.
[00:52:12] Paul Scheer: Geocorn has shut down the chat. I will say this there are some things that are disturbing about this whole family too because it’s like the dad’s, you know, we, we, we talked about the mom saying, banish your grandfather’s memory from your mind.
[00:52:28] We’ve talked about like, you know, the, the, the son pissing on the table. And then also at one point, the dad says to the daughter, are you still smoking dope? Like still. Like. Not like are you smoking dope? Are you still smoking?
[00:52:44] Jason Mantzoukas: Well, because they all know she’s cool. They all suck so hard. The movie should be about her.
[00:52:50] I scratched that. It’s not about the boys in the RV. I’m only interested in Holly and what she’s up to. She’s working out for, I don’t know what I wanted her to be so physically ready. To do war, to do battle after having been working out so hard. Not the case, but she’s fascinating. She’s smoking dope.
[00:53:08] She’s hanging out with the guys. She’s giving them ultimatums.
[00:53:11] Adam Scott: You’re right.
[00:53:11] June Diane Raphael: I
[00:53:12] want to talk about her. I’m so sorry to go back to her workout routine again, but it’s connected because I do think it’s fascinating that they didn’t have her, they didn’t have her like doing crunches, you know, like a classic young teenage girl.
[00:53:28] Like I got to do like a hundred crunches and keep my stomach really, really flat. Like she’s straight up chest.
[00:53:35] Adam Scott: Pumping iron.
[00:53:36] Jason Mantzoukas: Boom.
[00:53:37] Adam Scott: Yeah, a hundred percent.
[00:53:38] Jason Mantzoukas: Well, it’s,
[00:53:38] it’s very much like we, we didn’t know about crunches in the eighties. It was just barbells. We just did. And, and what’s littered around her.
[00:53:47] More weights.
[00:53:48] June Diane Raphael: I know.
[00:53:49] Adam Scott: There were no split squats in the 80s.
[00:53:50] Paul Scheer: But her body .
[00:53:52] Jason Mantzoukas: No yoga. There’s no yoga mat, there’s nothing.
[00:53:55] Paul Scheer: And I will just say like her, her body is, is great.
[00:53:58] June Diane Raphael: Alright, Paul.
[00:53:59] Jason Mantzoukas: Be cool bro. Be cool.
[00:54:01] Adam Scott: Take it, take it easy.
[00:54:07] Paul Scheer: Um, no, but it’s not the body of a bodybuilder like the amount of weights that she has in her room. I would, I would expect a different kind of body.
[00:54:15] Adam Scott: I was just thinking it looked exhausting.
[00:54:17] Jason Mantzoukas: Let me ask you this. Is this her way of dealing with grief? Is this her way of embracing, embracing health and life in the face of death?
[00:54:28] Holly is saying, you know what? I will build my body. I will strengthen my body. I will choose to remember grandpa Seth because keep in mind, she also sees grandpa Seth in a mirror.
[00:54:39] Adam Scott: Sure does.
[00:54:39] Jason Mantzoukas: And that’s super weird.
[00:54:41] Adam Scott: Scares the shit out of her.
[00:54:42] Jason Mantzoukas: And never, and doesn’t that doesn’t back up the boy at all. The boy still remains
[00:54:48] everybody thinks he’s crazy. Yeah,
[00:54:50] Adam Scott: I, I, I, I will say that I, with all that working out, I wish I agree. I wish she would have just fucking shredded some of those trolls at the end. Just take them out with her power.
[00:55:02] Jason Mantzoukas: Give her a sword.
[00:55:04] June Diane Raphael: She does deck. Elliot pretty hard. I mean, she destroys him.
[00:55:10] Adam Scott: Weird sound effect
[00:55:11] for the punch.
[00:55:13] But yes, she does.
[00:55:15] Paul Scheer: Um, this movie does have some interesting cinematography in the sense that like, there’s like a cake POV, like we’re coming in on the, there’s some shots that are surprising in it. Like there are some things that, that feels like there’s some artistry here. Uh, but when that cake comes into frame and they’re going into their face, at the party that’s in like, they have a surprise party for no one at their house and they’re and they’re not fully put off by it.
[00:55:40] And this is moments after the dad comes into a barn where he’s watching his son being held down forcibly and being force fed ice cream. Like, and the dad’s like, all right, we got to go back.
[00:55:53] Jason Mantzoukas: The ice cream wasn’t green. Which was interesting. Yeah, ice cream was was white. It looked like whipped cream or something like that it was so again I don’t want to be just pointing out inconsistencies because I don’t think they add up to anything But that helped it wasn’t helping me figure out the rules.
[00:56:10] Adam Scott: Clearly not ice cream too.
[00:56:11] Jason Mantzoukas: If he eats anything that they give him, does he turn into a pile of green goo?
[00:56:15] Paul Scheer: Well, this is the thing. Even the beautiful freckles in the beginning of the movie. I mean, and I haven’t seen natural freckles like that. I mean, what a blessing.
[00:56:24] June Diane Raphael: Paul, just so you guys know, there is a very big beauty trend where women are putting freckles on that look like that.
[00:56:33] Paul Scheer: Wow.
[00:56:34] Jason Mantzoukas: Wait.
[00:56:35] What
[00:56:35] June Diane Raphael: Right now.
[00:56:36] Yeah, maybe not that like, like, like
[00:56:38] Jason Mantzoukas: Raggedy Ann and Andy painted.
[00:56:40] June Diane Raphael: Yeah, there’s a lot of young women who, um, are in there and different beauty brands are selling these freckle pens and also freckle patches where you put this patches and then you pull it off and you have like this, like,
[00:56:58] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh, I wish I’d known I would have put freckles on for this show.
[00:57:01] Paul Scheer: Broccoli freckles.
[00:57:02] Is that what they’re called?
[00:57:04] June Diane Raphael: Broccoli freckles?
[00:57:05] Paul Scheer: I don’t know.
[00:57:06] June Diane Raphael: They might be I don’t know but i’ve seen on tiktok
[00:57:09] Jason Mantzoukas: Paul is Vegetable that crazy that corn that corn is going straight to paul’s head. He’s only thinking about vegetables. Broccoli freckles?!
[00:57:21] Are they cruciferous are they cruciferous freckles?
[00:57:29] Paul Scheer: I mean, just think about little freckles on brussel sprouts, how cute that would be, right? Anyway, uh, who’s with me? Um, I’ll say this much, there is, I mean, there is so much to get into. I want to also, like, I want to open up to questions. I want to, I want to get into it all.
[00:57:44] I do think it’s worthy of just highlighting the boy who goes to the store, only gets milk. And then is chugging and running with milk the most disgust like, Oh, like it felt hot. It felt like he was actually drinking milk too. And I was like, Oh.
[00:58:04] Jason Mantzoukas: It also seemed to me to be that the milk was thicker and grosser.
[00:58:08] So why not just get rid of it?
[00:58:10] June Diane Raphael: Well, you know, I still horrified to think about how many times I, I would run in from like playing outside as a kid and I don’t mean I didn’t have a glass of water till I was 18 years old. And so I was
[00:58:21] Paul Scheer: never an option when you were a child. Never, nobody ever offered. No one offered.
[00:58:24] Jason Mantzoukas: Well, it was bad for you. It was bad for you.
[00:58:26] June Diane Raphael: I literally would fill up a giant, like pint glass of milk. Oh,
[00:58:32] Jason Mantzoukas: yeah,
[00:58:33] I mean, that thick, that
[00:58:36] thick, viscous vitamin to quench that.
[00:58:40] Paul Scheer: I’ve talked about this, uh, and I forgive me for bringing it up again, but my nighttime ritual was something I saw in Laverne and Shirley.
[00:58:48] Uh, which was mixing coke and milk, and I would drink it before bed.
[00:58:52] Adam Scott: Ew, really? Wow, I remember that from.
[00:58:55] Jason Mantzoukas: Wow,
[00:58:55] you must have your shits must have been crazy.
[00:58:57] June Diane Raphael: Did it
[00:58:57] keep
[00:58:58] you up?
[00:58:58] Jason Mantzoukas: Your shits must have been crazy.
[00:59:00] Adam Scott: Insane.
[00:59:00] Paul Scheer: I mean, I’m lactose intolerant too, so there must have been some moment. I mean that was
[00:59:05] Jason Mantzoukas: Are you still doing that?
[00:59:07] Paul Scheer: A little bit.
[00:59:08] Almond milk.
[00:59:09] Adam Scott: Every other night.
[00:59:09] Paul Scheer: Almond milk and Pepsi.
[00:59:11] Jason Mantzoukas: I would love it if June came down, like, just like suddenly to get something after you thought she was in bed and she caught you pouring your, like, whole milk and, and Coke.
[00:59:21] Paul Scheer: Jason, she catches me doing some weird shit all the time with food, and it upsets her so much.
[00:59:26] Like, I, you yelled at, June yelled at me the other day, she’s like, Take your cereal out of here. I was eating cereal too late than day. Mixing my cereal. Mixing a mix. I’m making mixes downstairs.
[00:59:38] Adam Scott: Uh,
[00:59:38] that’s fun though. Mixing like crispex and Cheerios.
[00:59:43] June Diane Raphael: First of all, I don’t even like seeing people eat snacks.
[00:59:46] I’m someone who wants to see my loved ones eat a meal at a meal time.
[00:59:50] Adam Scott: Eat your snacks.
[00:59:51] Paul Scheer: Yeah, you’ve gotten mad at me. You were like, stop
[00:59:54] snacking.
[00:59:54] Jason Mantzoukas: Yeah. I don’t, I don’t want to see anybody eat. Eat on your own time. Eat privately.
[01:00:04] Paul Scheer: Um, let’s go and pick some questions from the audience because I want to get to some of the special things that we have to special guests that we have. Uh, so, uh, this one is Bad Jim Varney writes, uh, “did the dad think they were actually going to do some farming? Like was there actual farm work?? And this is a great question.
[01:00:22] Jason Mantzoukas: It seemed like he mentioned it a couple of times responsible for keeping up that family’s farm.
[01:00:27] Paul Scheer: Um, They didn’t seem like they were on the farm. They seemed like they had no knowledge of that.
[01:00:32] June Diane Raphael: Paul. In fact, when when the dad put the boy to bed, um, the night he pissed all over the dinner food when he put the boy to bed, he said something about, like, we’re getting up bright and early, like crack of dawn.
[01:00:46] We’re out here tending to the farm. And then the next morning he did not seem to get up early and do any farm work or chores.
[01:00:55] Paul Scheer: No, they didn’t. They never seemed to even acknowledge the farm, but look, they’re also dealing with a kid who’s pissed all over the table. They’re so hungry. Do they have to grow their own food?
[01:01:05] I mean, they, yeah, it, it, this is a. This is a bad vacation, like you said, a bad vacation. But I didn’t see any farm tractors or anything.
[01:01:14] Adam Scott: Yeah, it wasn’t. It didn’t
[01:01:15] seem like a farm to me at all. No.
[01:01:17] Paul Scheer: Yeah, it didn’t even seem like a farming town. It seemed like a sad town, but it seems like a town where like, do they just bring in one family a month and then they live off of that family?
[01:01:28] Adam Scott: Right.
[01:01:29] Jason Mantzoukas: Yeah. And everybody feasts on that one family. I mean, You would think, I mean, what an embarrassment of riches then to have this family of four plus the RV of four. That’s like, that’s eight, that’s eight servings for 25 people total. That’s pretty, that’s pretty.
[01:01:44] Adam Scott: Also, what did those
[01:01:45] weirdos do with their house?
[01:01:47] They went and stayed in their house, right? Okay.
[01:01:50] Jason Mantzoukas: They just stayed in town because they just stayed in town.
[01:01:53] Paul Scheer: They had
[01:01:53] no
[01:01:54] desire to go.
[01:01:54] Adam Scott: They didn’t leave.
[01:01:55] Paul Scheer: They were just going to wait. They were like, their plan was, they’re gonna go inside, eat the food, they’ll turn to trees and we’ll eat them. But this is my issue.
[01:02:04] If I’m a goblin, if I’m a troll, that family gets out of the car, I stab them, and I don’t have to go through all this pomp and circumstance of making a meal and doing all this other stuff.
[01:02:14] Jason Mantzoukas: But I think you’ve got, I don’t think, I think that, remember the guy says, blood will ruin the meat. Or something like that.
[01:02:21] Oh, you can’t, you can’t ruin, don’t ruin the meat, or it’s not, that’s not quite what he says.
[01:02:27] Paul Scheer: Okay. So you need to be.
[01:02:27] Jason Mantzoukas: There is a sentiment that there is a.
[01:02:29] June Diane Raphael: A way to season.
[01:02:30] Jason Mantzoukas: That, a process that needs to be, that needs to be adhered to. Yeah. Otherwise it renders the people inedible to the goblins.
[01:02:38] Paul Scheer: Okay.
[01:02:38] Jason Mantzoukas: That again, what are we talking about?
[01:02:40] I hate this.
[01:02:41] Paul Scheer: Now look, now I know that you’re saying that I’m obsessed with, with, uh, with, you know, obviously vegetation, fruits, and vegetables and things like that. Uh, now I will say that there is this middle ground in the movie about vegetables and plant life, which are different things, right? Vegetable, like, like trees, like growing into a tree is different than becoming like a vegetable, a vegetable, like trees and vegetables are not the same thing.
[01:03:06] June Diane Raphael: No.
[01:03:06] Paul Scheer: I mean, right. Or I mean.
[01:03:08] Jason Mantzoukas: It’s a good question. I don’t under, this gets back to, I’m not sure why somebody turns into a pile of goo that everybody just starts immediately eating versus Arnold, who gets turned into a sprouting tree that gets put, he gets planted into a planter, um, and with his coffee mug, he must have, that poor guy
[01:03:28] must’ve been in this position for so long on that shoot with all that shit all over him. What a miserable day’s work that must’ve been.
[01:03:38] Paul Scheer: Wait, oh, someone is saying that they nailed his shoes to the floor so he couldn’t move.
[01:03:43] Adam Scott: What?
[01:03:45] Paul Scheer: That’s how they kept him in that spot. They nailed his shoes to the floor.
[01:03:49] The actor’s shoes to the floor. That’s, I guess, in the documentary.
[01:03:51] Adam Scott: What?
[01:03:52] June Diane Raphael: What
[01:03:53] are you saying?
[01:03:54] Jason Mantzoukas: Amazing.
[01:03:54] Paul Scheer: Uh, now going, not the wardrobe, the shoes. Uh, so Um, here’s the thing that I was getting back to you. So Nilblogger wrote, “why did they all have that clover skin mark? This is again going to like, so clover leaf, we’re going to Halloween three.
[01:04:10] There’s a lot of like the clover doesn’t necessarily translate into the tree either, but everybody who is.
[01:04:15] Jason Mantzoukas: But, but somehow that suggests again, connote some sort of folkloric, Irish, Scottish, the greens of like the, I don’t know, are we, are we, what’s the book? Okay. What’s the book at the beginning? The chat,
[01:04:30] will, I’m sure chime in. What is the book? Does the book that the uncle, the grandpa Seth is reading to the boy in the beginning help give us a sense of what, what mythology we’re even inside of, if any, or is it just this Italian woman’s melange of different folkloric ideas?
[01:04:46] Paul Scheer: I mean, now I’ll tell you this.
[01:04:47] The Grandfathers is from Grandpa Seth. It reads from a book entitled Davy and the Goblins while telling Joshua the story of Peter and the Goblins. So the book is called Davy and the Goblins.
[01:05:00] Adam Scott: What?
[01:05:01] Jason Mantzoukas: I think, I now think Grandpa Seth is a villain.
[01:05:04] June Diane Raphael: And I’m also like, if you’re going to call one grandpa, Grandpa Seth, Then where’s the other grandpa?
[01:05:10] And like I always find it interesting, is like Grandpa Ron out there somewhere? Is he passed on right? Or is he
[01:05:18] Adam Scott: Right.
[01:05:18] June Diane Raphael: You know, and
[01:05:19] Adam Scott: why not just call him fucking grandpa?
[01:05:21] Jason Mantzoukas: And not, not a single mention of any grandmas. There’s no grandmas.
[01:05:26] Adam Scott: It was immaculate
[01:05:27] conception. Grandpa, Seth just bore these children.
[01:05:31] By himself.
[01:05:32] June Diane Raphael: Yeah.
[01:05:32] Jason Mantzoukas: Ooh,
[01:05:33] that’s interesting. But as a, as a, some sort of a goblin adjacent person, I believe that they might have just grown out of him like fruit from a tree.
[01:05:43] Paul Scheer: Um, another question I will get here is, um, Doc Buttons, uh, wrote this. “Did anyone else think the dad was going to pee on the kid after he peed on the food?”
[01:05:55] Adam Scott: Hundred percent.
[01:05:55] Paul Scheer: Hundred percent.
[01:05:57] June Diane Raphael: Yes.
[01:05:57] Jason Mantzoukas: I was hoping for it.
[01:05:58] Adam Scott: Either that or just present his penis.
[01:06:01] June Diane Raphael: Yeah, that it felt
[01:06:03] very wrong.
[01:06:03] Paul Scheer: I mean, the way he took it, the way he took it, it was like he did look like it. At first. It was like he’s gonna hurt him with it, and then it’s like he’s gonna do something.
[01:06:12] June Diane Raphael: Something
[01:06:12] bad to come.
[01:06:13] Paul Scheer: Bad.
[01:06:13] Adam Scott: That’s all bad. Either
[01:06:14] way, not good.
[01:06:15] Jason Mantzoukas: It definitely it. None of, none of the dad’s business with his belt worked on any level. It just suggested a myriad of terrible things are about to happen.
[01:06:28] Paul Scheer: Um, now let’s, uh, let’s talk about this. Um, look, we have opinions about this. This film. There are a lot, a lot of opinions.
[01:06:37] Some people say it’s the worst film ever, but there are other people out there with a different opinion. Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever heard, it’s now time for second opinions. Ben Lee, take it away.
[01:06:48] Music: Don’t trust mainstream for information. Don’t trust Grammerly for punctuation. Don’t trust the surgeon to make incision.
[01:07:03] Check out Amazon user reviews. Just get a second opinion,
[01:07:11] Second opinions, Second opinions.
[01:07:14] Jason Mantzoukas: Great.
[01:07:15] June Diane Raphael: Amazing.
[01:07:16] Paul Scheer: The great
[01:07:19] Ben Lee, he is amazing, um, just one of the most creative, fun.
[01:07:28] Adam Scott: So cool.
[01:07:29] Paul Scheer: Down to do whatever person he’s so incredibly talented. And like I said, his sub stack is great. There’s podcasts, there’s things him , a bunch of great stuff on there.
[01:07:39] I really, really love it. Um, these are five star reviews pulled from Amazon. It was hard to find these reviews. Uh, but I will say this, there are 1, 240 reviews. 79 percent are five star, 7 percent are one star. So, you know, people love this movie. And the first one is from, uh, Jesse Purdy. “Wow. This is certainly a movie. Five stars.”
[01:08:06] So a little bit, like we have these fun ones in here, but you know what? Again, I figured let’s call in the big guns. We put a word out to this next performer. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Billy Porter reading a second opinion.
[01:08:22] Billy Porter: All right. I’m Billy Porter. And this review is by someone called. T. K. Raw, the subject line is “a masterpiece.”
[01:08:31] T. K. Raw writes, “I don’t like to throw around superlatives recklessly, but I wouldn’t be surprised if God himself wrote and produced this film. It’s stunning and perfect. Five stars. Five,
[01:08:50] five, five, five. Across the board. The category is Five stars, darlings.”
[01:09:04] Paul Scheer: Amazing. Billy Porter, thank you so much for doing that.
[01:09:08] Jason Mantzoukas: That was great.
[01:09:09] Paul Scheer: Amazing. I want to read one more here. This is from Jacob DeBry. Jacob DeBry writes “This movie was amazing. You could truly feel the pain of the actors as they were being devoured by the goblins. I wish I had a grandpa like Joshua. Five stars.” All right, there we go. Um, uh, I love that he wants that grandpa.
[01:09:33] That grandpa did not make me feel easy. Uh, that grandpa made me feel uncomfortable.
[01:09:38] Jason Mantzoukas: It felt like there was, it felt like there was going to be a reveal for the grandpa that would have felt meaningful. And there really wasn’t. He just appears. Gives the boy a backpack and disappears.
[01:09:49] June Diane Raphael: He certainly wasn’t a warm, loving presence, you know, to connect to.
[01:09:55] Jason Mantzoukas: He was scary. I mean, he was
[01:09:57] actively scary.
[01:09:59] Paul Scheer: Scared straight is sometimes what you have to do. Let me tell you this. If you haven’t donated because you’ve already got it. I still want to be surprised. We had Ben Lee. We had Billy Porter. We’ve had a lot of people here. But I think when you, when you think about this movie, you go, The centerpiece, the rock of this movie is the dad, George Hardy, and you know what?
[01:10:15] Let’s hear a second opinion from George Hardy.
[01:10:18] George Hardy: Hey, it’s George Hardy, and I played the dad in the movie Troll 2. It was made in 1989, and here I am today to read a second opinion for How Did This Get Made? What an honor to be asked. So, I do want to let you know, Mr. Sean Kelly did write in, and I’ve got this memorized by now, Sean wrote in, “Hey, how did that trash movie Troll 1 compare to Troll 2?
[01:10:47] Well, Troll 2 makes sense. And everybody was trying to make a good movie. They really were. So I give it a five star.” But he asked one more question. “Why is it called Troll 2 when there’s no trolls in Troll 2? There’s goblins.” Anyway, I don’t know. They were just going off some coattails, I think, of Troll.
[01:11:09] Anyway, hey you guys, you gotta remember one last thing. You can’t piss on hospitality. I won’t allow it.
[01:11:16] Jason Mantzoukas: Yes! He said it!
[01:11:20] George Hardy: Troll 2 forever.
[01:11:25] Paul Scheer: Is the best! That was amazing. And jacked, right? I mean, he looks great.
[01:11:31] Adam Scott: He looks great.
[01:11:33] Jason Mantzoukas: He kept the weights. He kept
[01:11:36] the weights from the daughter’s room. That’s what he took from set.
[01:11:40] Paul Scheer: Um, alright, So let’s go around anything that we haven’t talked about that we wanna talk about and uh, we got some more surprises. So here we go.
[01:11:45] June Diane Raphael: You
[01:11:45] know, the only thing I wanna say is, I don’t know if we touched on, um, the line. I’m Sheriff Gene Freak.
[01:11:52] Adam Scott: Gene. Gene. I didn’t, don’t think I. Frank.
[01:11:56] Paul Scheer: No, I thought it was gene freak.
[01:11:57] I wrote freak.
[01:11:59] June Diane Raphael: No, it was definitely Gene Freak.
[01:12:01] Paul Scheer: I’m looking at the, I mdb it is sheriff Gene Freak because I wrote another that’s.
[01:12:05] Jason Mantzoukas: Oh.
[01:12:06] June Diane Raphael: A man in the town announced that he was, he introduced himself as Sheriff
[01:12:11] Gene
[01:12:12] Freak.
[01:12:12] Paul Scheer: June, not just the townsperson, the sheriff of a 25 person town, which he is one of. So 24 person town, which,
[01:12:21] four of the members are away on vacation. So really a 20 person town. We’ve seen everyone in this town.
[01:12:29] Jason Mantzoukas: And they all go. We haven’t talked about when they are all around, when they, we talked a little bit about, they’re all at the house, the family’s house when they come back and they’re throwing them an impromptu party.
[01:12:40] And then grandpa Seth appears corporeally with a Molotov cocktail. The priest comes out, they fight, they have, they fight. And grandpa Seth zaps the priest, the priest lights on fire. So only the boy and the fire and the engulfed in flames priest are in the yard. Everybody comes out. They put the priest out and it’s a goblin.
[01:13:06] Of course, the corpse is a goblin. Everybody’s the boy has done like it. It feels so much like the boy has just done all of it. You know what I mean? That the boy is out there.
[01:13:16] Paul Scheer: When the dad runs out there, he sees a man on fire and the boy standing there, he’s like, this is my son. He just pissed on the table.
[01:13:22] He’s seeing visions of his grandfather. Now he’s lit a priest on fire and the father just calmly puts him out. Like he doesn’t like he’s like, ah, man, he knows exactly what that fire extinguisher is. Like he he knows like Oh, we keep it randomly just on the side of the porch.
[01:13:36] Adam Scott: Doesn’t he say i’m gonna distract him with this, with the fire extinguisher?
[01:13:41] Jason Mantzoukas: Yeah with the molotov cocktail. Yeah Oh, oh what I also Paul you pulled the oh my god clip Which I just think is very funny.
[01:13:51] Paul Scheer: Oh yeah, should we? Yeah, let’s play this because we haven’t played this.
[01:13:54] Adam Scott: Oh yeah, this is great.
[01:13:55] Movie Audio: Oh my god, what’s happening to her? And why can’t I move? There must be a logical reason for all of this.
[01:14:04] Shut up!
[01:14:11] She’s changing!
[01:14:12] Adam Scott: They can’t see her through
[01:14:16] there.
[01:14:16] Movie Audio: They’re eating her! And they’re going to eat me!
[01:14:27] OH MY GOOOOOOOD!
[01:14:33] Paul Scheer: This man, this actor is amazing. Incredible. And I don’t even think this is his best scene, because his best scene is when the girl is attacked in the woods, and he goes out to the goblins and says like, yeah guys, hey, get outta here. Get it.
[01:14:46] Jason Mantzoukas: Leave her alone.
[01:14:47] Paul Scheer: Yeah. Like he doesn’t react to the fact that these are full on creatures.
[01:14:52] Jason Mantzoukas: Goblins, these are full on monsters. He’s like, guys, he’s like, guys, not, she’s saying they’re monsters.
[01:14:56] June Diane Raphael: Yeah. He’s like, it’s not a good time.
[01:14:58] Jason Mantzoukas: He’s like, I’m out here trying to get laid guys. You gotta, you gotta.
[01:15:01] Adam Scott: Isn’t also where he, he tackles the girl in the forest. Is that the same guy.
[01:15:08] Paul Scheer: That’s right before this.
[01:15:08] Adam Scott: She hits the ground so hard face first into the and you know, they had no stunt people on this movie. This poor woman just gets taken down.
[01:15:20] Her. He also stays on her. Like they’re in a romantic, like they’re rolling around. It’s like, if I was like, thank you for, I don’t know what he was doing, but like, yeah.
[01:15:28] June Diane Raphael: He’s like, I’ll
[01:15:30] show you a human body.
[01:15:32] Paul Scheer: Oh
[01:15:33] my God. All right. So I will tell you this. We’ve gathered here tonight for a very good reason, you know, to raise money for move on. And I wanted to end the show. With something special. Uh, we talked about it throughout the episode, Michael Stevenson, the young boy, the boy, um, he made a great documentary.
[01:15:51] It’s called Best Worst Movie. You gotta watch it, but we reached out to him and, um, he wanted to do something very special for the show. So. I have a full video of him. I cut it down to a three, like a quick version here. You will put the full video up on my YouTube channel right now. You can go check it out after the show, but this is a brief word from Michael Stevenson, uh, about this movie.
[01:16:15] I love this. So here you go.
[01:16:16] Jason Mantzoukas: The boy speaks?
[01:16:18] Michael Stevenson: I wanted to share something with you today that I have not shared before. An original prop from Troll 2. This is the chest piece. Uh, this, look at this. I can smell this. And I, it’s, the smell of the latex, it instantly brings me back to, uh, European cigarettes.
[01:16:46] That’s the smell of European cigarettes. And, and an old, stale pizza in, in, in boxes and that’s what we ate every single day was cheap pizza. Not like fancy Italian pizza, but like cheap, like Domino’s pizza and they never ordered new pizza. It was the same pizza. They just ordered a big one, I think at the beginning of the production and then we just kept eating from the same pizza .
[01:17:12] First time that I watched it, I remember watching it, uh, with my family, 11 seconds into this film. VHS tape. My dad says Michael, this is a terrible terrible movie. Oh, uh All these years later. I can’t tell you any longer that I feel Troll 2 is a bad movie. I think it is a magical movie. I think that you know you think about the number of films that get made more resources, more budget, fancy stars, fancy set whatever it is, they’re forgotten about almost many of them are forgotten, are forgotten about almost immediately after they, they’re released.
[01:17:59] Uh, and Troll 2 for reasons not intended or planned has become something, a film, a piece of work that will never be forgotten about.
[01:18:13] Jason Mantzoukas: Yes.
[01:18:14] Adam Scott: Fuck. Yes.
[01:18:15] Paul Scheer: The best.
[01:18:16] June Diane Raphael: I love it.
[01:18:17] Adam Scott: Yes.
[01:18:18] Jason Mantzoukas: The boy speaks the truth.
[01:18:19] Paul Scheer: Yes. The boy speaks. You can watch the whole video that he made for us, uh, on my YouTube page and, uh, please make sure you check out his documentary.
[01:18:29] Adam Scott: It’s great.
[01:18:29] Paul Scheer: It is. It’s a great documentary.
[01:18:31] Adam Scott: It is. It’s terrific.
[01:18:31] Paul Scheer: It’s Best Worst Movie. Adam.
[01:18:34] Jason Mantzoukas: Incredible stuff.
[01:18:34] Paul Scheer: It was amazing to have you back.
[01:18:36] Adam Scott: Thank you guys.
[01:18:36] June, Jason,
[01:18:37] Paul Scheer: what a night here. Thank you everybody for tuning in.
[01:18:39] June Diane Raphael: Thank you, Adam. Scott.
[01:18:40] Paul Scheer: Thank Thank you for spending Friday night with us.
[01:18:41] Adam Scott: Thanks, guys.
[01:18:42] Jason Mantzoukas: Thank you, Adam Scott.
[01:18:43] Paul Scheer: Bye-Bye. See you next time. That’s a wrap on Troll 2. Thank you to the entire team for helping us put that together. We raised. $181, 000 and guess what? You can still continue to donate how well we have these amazing shirts, the Nilbog milk t shirt you can get as a sticker, a coffee mug, whatever you want.
[01:19:07] You can get it at Teepublic.Com and every bit of the money that we make from that is also going to Move On, which is ensuring that people get out to vote. Thank you, Move on. Thank you, Billy Porter. Thank you. Cast of Troll 2. And thank you, Ben Lee. Holy cow. I love that new second opinion song. Um, people, How Did This Get Made?
[01:19:29] And dinosaur are coming to the East coast. First of all, what’s Dinosaur? Jason Manzoukas, myself, Nicole Byer, Carl Tartt, Lisa Gilroy, Seth Morris, Rob Hubel, and more. Improvising for your pleasure. That’s right. We are going to be in Brooklyn, Boston, and DC. We’ve already sold out our first show in Brooklyn.
[01:19:53] We added a second show and that is just a mere few seats away from being sold out. So grab a friend, tell everybody, you know, Dinosaur is coming to DC and Boston and Brooklyn, and you can get your tickets right now. Just go to HDTGM. com and How Did This Get Made is going back to Philly. That’s right. And we’re going to bring them a good movie this time.
[01:20:13] We have to Philly. We’re coming to you November 16th, November 16th. We will be in Philly. Our LA dates are pretty much sold out except for November 8th. Get your tickets for that right now. Man. Oh man. So many shows, but keep your eyes peeled because we might be opening up some more tickets to New York. Uh, it’s sold out very quickly, but for you,
[01:20:35] we might have a few more in the coming weeks. Anyway, thank you so much, everybody. Remember if you have a correction or omission from Troll 2, you can leave me a voicemail at 619-PAUL-ASK. That’s 619-PAUL-ASK or write a comment on our discord at
[01:20:51] Then make sure to tune in next week to our Last Looks follow up episode to hear me respond to your messages and announce our next movie. Please. If you don’t know by now, Jason joins me on every last looks to chat about movies, TV books, and we even get to talk to some of our favorite friends. So if you’re not listening, what are you doing?
[01:21:09] I mean, we’ve got good interviews on that show. Really fun interviews. Anyway. Um. I will always remind you because I’m out there plugging it all the time. My book, Joyful Recollections of Trauma is still available as an audio book, as an ebook, and as a regular book book. And if you want me to personalize your book, I’ll do anything.
[01:21:27] I’ll put a lot of stuff in there. Team Fred, not that, but everything else is fair game. You can go to my website and you can order a book at Chevalier’s. They don’t charge you anything more for it. I just have a deal with Chevalier’s. You can also see where I’ve signed books and left them around the country.
[01:21:41] Um, but definitely if you liked the book, write a Google review, uh, or an Amazon review, I should say. And remember to keep the reviews coming on Goodreads. I am blown away. Thank you so much. And remember one more thing, another remembrance here. Um, if you listen to us on Apple podcasts or Spotify, make sure that you subscribe to our feed and you have automatic downloads turned on.
[01:22:01] It helps us. Anyway, um, last but not least, I got to thank our entire team for whom this show could not be done without. I’m talking about our producers, Scott, Sonne, and Molly Reynolds, our movie picking producer, Avaryll Halley, our engineer, Casey Holford, and our associate producer, Jess Cisneros. That’s all I got people.
[01:22:19] We’ll see you next week on Last Looks. Bye for now.
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