Latest Episodes

February 29, 2012

It’s about time James Adomian made his way to Who Charted?! With his long Earwolf resume, there is no doubt he’ll be raking in comedy credits left and right! The Folk Music Chart brings out the Grace Jones within, whereas the Movie Chart gives us a glimpse of his inner Denzel. We asked him to play Chart Roulette, but we were interrupted by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Despite all of this, his Who Charted? appearance gets more personal than any of his other Earwolf credits, so get to know the man behind Jesse Ventura!

February 29, 2012

As Bob tries to navigate his way back home from Denver, he checks in from a truck stop with tales to tell.

February 28, 2012

Did you guys know that there is a crisis with our environment? If not, you must not have seen Birdemic: Shock and Terror, this week’s victim for a very special How Did This Get Made? LIVE! Our friend “Weird Al” Yankovic is on the panel to enjoy the CGI dancing, obvious typos, and complete lack of editing that made this thriller a cult classic. Also on hand is Whitney Moore, star of Birdemic, who tells us the truth about her robotic costar, shares insight into the audition process, and divulges information about the sequel. This is less like a podcast, and more like you’re Just Hanging Out with some friends.

February 28, 2012

Howdy to all y’all Baby Wranglers! This week on Professor Blastoff we’re talking about Kung Fu with Christian Everhart, a fifth level disciple of Seven Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Apparently, Kung Fu can help you touch boobs, eliminate your need for jackets, and keep you out of bar fights. Interested much? Well settle in, take a deep breath, make sure your zipper is safely shut, and enjoy. Skadoosh!

February 27, 2012

Sorry you guys, but we did NOT get Ice Ben Schwartz or Ice Reggie Watts for the podcast this week. You’ll have to settle for their American doppelgangers who join the world-famous Scottabot and the legendary Bjork for a sexy, funny, sexy, musical, sexy episode of Comedy Bang Bang. Pop open a six pack of pudding and enjoy!

February 27, 2012

Enjoy this simple little ditty from Bob Ducca as he continues on his journey home from Denver.

February 24, 2012

Living On A Edge! Ben Schwartz just might be the Jeremy Lin of comedy: He comes from humble beginnings, he’s worked super hard to get where he is now, and he is absolutely killing it right now! Writing movies, stealing scenes on Parks and Recreation and House of Lies and destroying audiences every week at the UCB Theatre, Ben Schwartz is making it happen and we loved him so much we recorded with him two weeks in a row! We also get our second Weekly Wahlberg and a visit from the beloved Racist Vin Scully. It’s the kind of episode you’ll want to inappropriately massage without permission!

February 24, 2012

Last time we had Dan Gregor on the show we hardly had time to get intimately acquainted with him. That is no longer a problem as he shares with us his embarrassing tummy rumblings, his views of George W. Bush, and his shameful “love” of Missy Elliott with us Laimewads. We’ll talk tattoos and menus any day with Dan! Enjoy!

February 24, 2012

Ever wondered what Kulap’s comic book pull list looks like? Want a glimpse into the traveling life of Howard Kremer? This week on Two Charted Howard shares his Top Musical Moments in Vancouver Chart as Kulap shows off her nerd cred with her All Time Favorite Comics Chart. From Garfunkel and Oates to Gail Simone, there is no better podcast to learn about your favorite chartists’ favorite charts!

February 24, 2012

Bob is on the road and without his trusty pharmacist by his side, he has fallen ill to some Colorado-specific ailments. For instance…

February 23, 2012

Come one come all for the miraculous magic trick that is improv4humans! This week Danielle Schneider, Brian Huskey, and Seth Morris join Matt Besser for a playful romp through grief counseling, a savage look at Valentine’s Day, and a finale that can only be described as a full bang out! Pick up an improv4humans shirt from the Earwolf Store and follow @MattBesser on Twitter to send in your improv suggestions. Music by Bobby Matthews and Dragoon.

February 22, 2012

Joe is an actor from The State that has starred in movies like Wanderlust and I Love You, Man

February 22, 2012

Dave Holmes spent years on MTV VJing chart topping singles, but how will he react to the Billboard Korea K-Pop Top 100 chart? He is an accomplished improviser, actor, and host with credits like Reno 911 and DVD on TV, so what will he think of this week’s Movie Chart? And how will Dave deal with a Chart Dart entry so confusing even Kulap couldn’t guess it?!?! Join Wie-Wie, Ku-Ku, and Dave on an adventure through Nic Cage movies and dorm fires and join us this Friday for another edition of Two Charted!

February 22, 2012

This week Bob is outsourcing his affirmation to a talented songwriter who I think we all know and love. Belly, if you’re listening, you know where to find Bob.

February 21, 2012

A few weeks ago we invited How Did This Get Made? listeners to join us at Largo in Los Angeles for a conversation on Birdemic: Shock and Terror. Next week we invite you to listen in as “Weird Al” Yankovic and special guests from the film discuss this throw-back disaster. Watch Birdemic: Shock and Terror (use that link and it helps us out!) and we’ll see you next week!

February 21, 2012

I’m craving something sweet, savory, and full of facts about taste buds! If you’re in the same boat, chow down on today’s Professor Blastoff where you’ll learn about virtual reality food from Dr. Kathleen Keller and Kyle’s infancy from Mother. Kip up and enjoy, compliments of Chef Blastoff.

February 20, 2012

We all love David Wain, but do we really KNOW David Wain? This week’s Comedy Bang Bang is the only place on the internet to get in-depth info about Wain’s personal life with the added perspective of his father and four-year-old son. I think we all already know plenty about Gary Busey’s personal life, but regardless, he is here to speak about his exotic bird collection and recent economic hardships, among other things. Plus David is breaking out the tunes both on his keyboard and in a freestyle rap battle. This is the type of episode you’ll want to pass down to your own children and grandchildren!

February 20, 2012

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might be spared from your devastating plagues and ailments tonight.

February 18, 2012

Garett is a wonderful actor who you know from Deadwood, No Country For Old Men, and Winter’s Bone

February 17, 2012

Sklarbro Country is coming at you this week like a blind paralympian or a drunk Zamboni driver! Our guest is the lightning fast comedian Chris Fairbanks who talks to us about skateboarding, nudity as a defense in a fight, and what makes or breaks an impressionist. We get a quick and mysterious call from Mark Wahlberg and our first in-studio visit from Tim Gunn who clarifies his recent statement on celibacy. If you’re hungry for more Sklar Brothers, visit and watch their Point/Point web series. Zoom!

February 17, 2012

Ronna and Beverly are vacationing in London, but they aren’t taking any time off from their probing interviews. This week’s subject is Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiasm who tells the ladies about his breakfast with Oprah, his pubic grooming conundrum, his most disliked celebrities, and his sexual desires towards one of our fair hosts. Which one? You’ll have to listen to find out!

February 17, 2012

As Howard and Kulap prepare for their Vancouver premiere, they take a quick break to get together to celebrate each other’s charts. For Kulap it’s a hodgepodge of her favorite songs, television shows, movies, and cultural occurrences of the week. Howard keeps it musical as he counts down his Top 5 Business Moves by Musicians. From Prop 8 to Jimmy Buffet, you’ll get a double shot of Howard and Kulap to tide you over ’til next Wednesday. Can’t wait that long? Tickets are still available for Who Charted? in Vancouver!

February 17, 2012

This week, we leave you with a poem telling an important message about self-esteem and respect. As you go about your day today, don’t be so hard on yourself!

February 17, 2012

Pete Holmes is a perfect fit for Totally Laime! He joined us this week to talk about masturbatory fantasies, creative exhaustion, supernatural messages, and all of our other favorite topics! Get intimately acquainted with his sexuality, specifically in regards to Ryan Gosling and Pamela Anderson. Enjoy!

February 16, 2012

This week’s improv4humans is fit for all cliques: Nerds, jocks, meatheads, spitballs, fluff-eaters, time-traveling cyborg uncles, and Tahitian hotel workers. Our guests are Sean Conroy, Matt Walsh, and Jon Gabrus who take your suggestions from Twitter and transport you from Irish pubs to haunted suburban households. Be sure to pick up an improv4humans shirt from the Earwolf Store and follow @MattBesser on Twitter to send in your improv suggestions. Music by Bobby Matthews and Dragoon.

February 15, 2012

Methinks it’s time to have Paul F. Tompkins back on Who Charted?! That’s just what we did this week as the artist previously known as Suit McGoo jams with Kulap and Howard over Billboard Digital Downloads, Movies, and Chart Piñata.  Where are Kelly Clarkson’s fans coming from? Who is the evilest Denzel Washington character? How do you play a chart game with a four-time guest? The answers to these questions and more await you on Who Charted?!

February 15, 2012

This week’s Affirmation Nation is for anyone suffering from diabetes and worried they’ll never be able to enjoy their favorite treats again. Here are just a few mouth-watering, insulin-moderating dishes for you to consider. Thanks Whitney!

February 14, 2012

Even if you’re still stuck in the credits of Cool as Ice, you probably know you’re in for something crazy! We watched it and invited Brian Huskey to join us in reveling in this relic of the early 90s. Weird biker gangs, inexplicable love stories, and the Witness Protection Program flesh out what is essentially a feature-length hip hop music video starring Vanilla Ice. What does Vanilla think of the movie? Learn as Rob Van Winkle joins the crew for the final few minutes to give insight into the stunts, the sets, and the jargon that has stood the test of time.

February 14, 2012

This week’s Professor Blastoff is the perfect accompaniment for your workout. Our guest is Alex Shadie who is an expert on disease and who shares with us the scary reality of viral pandemics, the progress being made in curing once-fatal diseases, and tips for avoiding disease. Be sure to wash your hands before you listen, and check with a doctor if you’ve been to any Billy Joel concerts lately.

February 13, 2012

Don’t stop listening to this podcast or you know what will happen! Paul Rust, Harris Wittels, and Michael Cassady from our favorite comedy-pop crossover act Don’t Stop or We’ll Die are in the studio to jam out some tunes before their matrimonial debut. And since we have these talented comedians here, why not have them play some What Am I Thinking? and Would You Rather? Don’t be surprised if some Hollywood legends and insiders show up while the band takes their bathroom breaks. After all, these are theRocky Vs. Rambo screenwriters we’re talking about!