Latest Episodes

September 27, 2011

This week’s Professor Blastoff is 100% organic, homegrown, and hormone free. We have noted vegan Myq Kaplan on to discuss the ever changing world of food and food production: From the evolution of the grocery store to the adverse affects of methane and so much more. Plus we introduce a new segment: Weekly Vocabulary Lesson! Listen while you eat something raw and traded freely.

September 26, 2011

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve still got some bro in my system and I gotta get it out! Enter Todd Barry, Nick Thune, and Matthew Sweet who join Scott for an hour of songs, games, stories, Hot Topics, and bro time. I mean, what else do you need to know? Oh, that Matthew Sweet’s new album Modern Art comes out tomorrow. A perfect soundtrack for bro-ing out!

September 26, 2011

With the boat empty and the girls alone, I’m sure we’ll be able to avoid trouble this week as we wait patiently for the Boat Queen Pageant. Or will we? Get naked, encounter strange natives, and learn about the mysterious “twitter box” as The Apple Sisters inch ever closer to the Boat Queen crown (and their show tonight at The Elephant Lab!).

September 26, 2011

It’s time for yet another product review. This week Bob looks into the pros and cons of the Canine Cooler Thermoregulating Pet Bed. This one gets truly personal for Bob, so find a cool place to sit and prepare for his words of wisdom.

September 26, 2011

HOLY COW! Award winning writer and director of both film and television! Broadcast News! The Simpsons! Mary Tyler Moore (the show, not the person)! Taxi! HUGE!

September 25, 2011

She’s our youngest guest ever (17 years old!) and perhaps the first to teach Elizabeth an honest lesson in maturity, SHELBY FERO came on TLP and kept it real. Listen to see why she’s one of our favorite twitterers (follow her at @shelbyfero if you’re one of the five people who isn’t already!) and a rising star in comedy. ENJOY!

September 23, 2011

Merriam-Webster defines griffin as “a mythical animal typically having the head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion.” If that’s true, than our show has the wings of a glamorous diva superstar with the tail of an NBA legend-to-be. Kathy Griffin, fresh from the red carpet, brings a level of glitz and panache that is shockingly absent from most sports shows. Her tales of fancy parties, legendary Largo shows, and Hollywood rivalries (watch out Jon Hamm!) serve as the perfect foil to our call with Bruce Jenner who is having trouble keeping track of his own little divas. Plus, Blake Griffin FINALLY addresses the rumors of his move to the Harlem Globetrotters. Our apologies for the bad audio on the call, but Blake is a beast in the paint, and a beast on the phone. Throw your hands up for one of the best episodes hands down of Sklarbro Country!

September 23, 2011

Like listener Julia, Bob is often offended and depressed by what major sign-making corporations deem to be “inspirational posters.” Today he presents ideas for some more accurate and uplifting signs.

September 22, 2011

The studio is divided! Drew splits his time this week between his friends Willam and Maile who teach us about gender bending, conservative politics, and the dark and scary world of a Grateful Dead concert. Beyond that we have all the usual: Embarrassing has-beens, obnoxious grocery store persona, and self-absorbed councilmen. Now SQUEEZE ME!

September 22, 2011

Jeff has used his skills of deceit and trickery to get a truly wonderful guest for the week: Peter Kafka from All Things Digital. This guy has worked for Forbes Magazine and a major Wall Street banker and guess what? He’s a podcast geek! Jeff and Peter hop all over the place from the potential uselessness of graduate school to the issues plaguing iTunes and Netfilx. Too many issues are covered for me to list, so listen in and learn something!

September 21, 2011

Let us cherish our last few moments of summah before the drab and dreary non-summah seasons take over. Let us spend the twilight of the finest season enjoying charts and the delightful Todd Barry. Let us learn what is on the Billboard Country Singles Chart and what the heck Straw Dogs is about. Let us enjoy Todd’s impression of dubstep music and a rousing game of Chart Piñata. And most importantly, let us design Who Charted? themed cups and koozies for a chance to win the 12.5 Cups of Summah. Goodbye summah. We’ll miss you dearly.

September 21, 2011

Today’s poem is one of sadness and loss. One that has provided Bob catharsis following a tragedy. One about bagels and toasters.

September 20, 2011

Wait and see, when we’re through, boys will gladly go to war for you. With good fortune (and a great hairdo) you’ll bring honor to us all. That’s right, it’s time for the much-anticipated Mulan episode! Kidding, of course. We have our first write-in guest, Owen Wiseman, who brings a vast knowledge of the Japanese feudal system to the hatch and discusses the concept of honor with Tig, Kyle, and David. What’s the difference between morality and honor? Is it wrong to steal food for one’s family? Since when is condescension a bad thing? And which of our podcasters is the most honorable? Listen in and find out!

September 20, 2011

It’s been too long since we visited our old friend Nic Cage! Our next movie choice is a highly requested selection from Nicholas’ resume: The Wicker Man. You have a week to find it online and enjoy 102 minutes of Ridiculous Cage before we deconstruct it for you (and possibly revisit Skyline). See you next week!

September 19, 2011

Break the monotony of this Manic Monday with a new Comedy Bang Bang featuring Amy Poehler, The Bangles, and possibly the biggest guest we’ve ever had, David Fiene! Amy and Scott gab about the original UCB pilot and the alternative comedy scene of the ’90s, but that’s nothing compared to the showbiz stories David has to offer. David came up with some of the biggest legends of comedy (I’m not going to namedrop, but he certainly will) and has walls and walls of quotes and advice for young comedic upstarts. Match that with the dulcet tones of The Bangles and the rap stylings of our guests and you’ve got an hour and a half of aural decadence. Would you rather listen to this episode or go about your humdrum day? I thought so!

September 19, 2011

We’re past the halfway mark on the way to the Boat Queen Pageant. What could possibly happen next? A shipwide mutiny including The Apple Sisters and their fellow Boat Queen competitors? Well, I’m not going to spoil it for you, but, yes, that’s exactly what happens. Get your mind off of the stress of your life with today’s Apple Sisters and you will be rewarded with singing and beautiful ladies! You only have a week to pick up tickets to The Apple Sisters at The Elephant Lab, so get on it sailors!

September 19, 2011

It is important to always thank those who provide kindness and charity. Today’s Affirmation Nation is dedicated to all the business who have provided Bob with a roof and a comfy chair when he needed it the most.

September 18, 2011

Dana Gould: Standup comedian, writer, and commentator for the Lucha VaVOOM wrestling promotion, he’s appeared on Conan, Letterman, wrote on The Simpsons for a number of years, and has been working for the past few decades. This is an episode you won’t want to miss!

September 18, 2011

Well, we’re smitten. He’s a Southern gent, funny as all get-out, and willingly went on the ride that was this podcast ~ BRYAN SAFI came on TLP and we giggled our butts off. All of us – Elizabeth, Psychic Andy AND Ruby now have a gay man crush and we know you’ll love him as much as we do! Enjoy.

September 16, 2011

Ronna & Beverly talk to heavily pregnant “Ugly Betty” star Ana Ortiz, and a rift between the ladies still hasn’t been healed.

September 16, 2011

Mac and The Q Crew, together again! Rob McElhenney, fresh off the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia season premiere, stops by Sklarbro Country to discuss the manliest of subjects: Smoking, fighting, power lifting and, of course, fatherhood. Following that interview we have Bryant Gumbel who talks to us about, well, following up interviews. Plus we’ve got sports news courtesy of Paul Hamm, Manny Ramirez, and the NHL. Hello and “HENDERSON!” to any new listeners, and be sure to pick up a limited edition signed copy of Hendersons and Daughters from the Earwolf store.

September 16, 2011

We end the week once again with a poem. This one is entitled I’m Looking for a Chiropractor Like The One In Jacob’s Ladder. Thank you, and see you next week!

September 15, 2011

Hopefully most of you have visited Funny or Die since Monday and know about our new partnership with them. If you haven’t, this episode will answer a lot of questions. Even if you have, you’ll learn from Dick Glover, President of Funny or Die, how the partnership came to be, how the website itself came to be, and what it’s like to work for such a popular comedy entity. This is the guy who made back in ’92, so he’s got amazing amounts of insight into the digital world and where it is headed. I’ll give you a hint: QR codes and hoodies.

September 15, 2011

Good news guys! Drew watches Dance Moms! We open this episode with an ode to the best young-adult-dance-themed-reality-show on television (with a nice cameo from Earwolf co-founder Jeff Ullrich). It goes crazy from there as Drew, Brian, and Dana escape to a fantasy world of homophobic Target employees, Civil War devotees, weirdly racist parents, and the elderly. And who doesn’t love a nice round of audition horror stories? Pause Hoarders and listen to Glitter in the Garbage post haste!

September 14, 2011

Andy Kindler and charts: Does a finer duo exist? The fabulous Mr. Kindler returns to once again delve into the world of movies and pop music (courtesy of iTunes US Singles). We get Andy’s thoughts on Gaga and puns on The Debt before rolling into a game of Chart Roulette. Try to navigate the line between sincerity and hilarity as Andy excitedly dances and sings his way through the chart theme songs, movie trailers, and more. Plus, we announce the winner of the Heal With My Steel video contest! Listen in, pick up a Who Charted? tee shirt from the Earwolf store, and “if you wanna groove, groove.”

September 14, 2011

I think the title says it all. Thanks for your letter, Rich. Feel better.

September 13, 2011

Oh, hello there! Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Would you like a glass of wine? Mmm, I thought you might. We’re dimming the lights in the hatch and talking about sexual attraction this week with the absolutely beautiful and hilarious Sarah Silverman. From pheromones to cologne, we discuss the science of seduction and the perfection of breasts. Enjoy it with a loved one, or at least a super attractive one.

September 13, 2011

For nearly a decade, Gigli has been a go-to punchline for hack comedians. Does it hold up to it’s bad movie reputation? Danielle Schneider joins us this week to deconstruct one of the most monumentally bad movies of the millennium. This movie is garbage on every level, from the painfully awkward acting to the politically incorrect plot. Head over to Netflix Instant to see for yourself, and then join us to learn How Did This Get Made?!

September 13, 2011

The Little Dum Dum Club have spent the entire Earwolf Challenge in the top, only once being considered for elimination. Today they pull out all the stops as they invite Australian comedians Luke McGregor and Nick Cody into the fold for a full 30 minute episode. Our charmers from down under talk about parents on Facebook, their crappiest comedy gigs, specialty coffee, and strippers in an attempt to win a spot on Earwolf. Will they succeed? Find out tomorrow on The Earwolf Challenge Season Finale!

September 13, 2011

Hey Laimewads! Woohoo! We are in the final two of the Earwolf Challenge – the first reality podcast competition to win a contract with Earwolf! It has been 10 long and grueling weeks of podcast challenges that we’ve somehow managed to make it through. For our final challenge, we have a mini episode up with… wait for it… (holy shit)… “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’s” CHARLIE DAY!! We had so much fun with him, we’d hate for you to miss it. THANKS LAIMEWADS!