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March 16, 2011

Some bits just don’t work in writing, you know? That’s what Eardrop is for! We at Earwolf have chosen some of our favorite comics to call in with jokes, characters, songs, and more. No edits, no supervision, just laughs!

March 16, 2011

If you saw the Friday music video this weekend and are wondering what to think of it, this is the Who Charted? for you! Kulap, Howard, and special guest Matt Braunger talk about movies and hip-hop, specifically today’s hottest new hip-hop star Rebecca Black. Matt drops some knowledge about the bible, the universe, and the Daggerhorn athletic franchises. As if that wasn’t enough, we have chart roulette! Grab a banana and your best friend Rick and listen to WHO CHARTED?!

March 16, 2011

Eardrop is the 100-calorie pack of Earwolf. It’s just as deliciously hilarious as our other shows, but in a convenient travel size! Let Eardrop wet your appetite for comedy with some of your favorite guests in five minute-a-day bites!

March 15, 2011

It is rumored that Battlefield Earth contains subliminal messages designed to brainwash people into joining The Church of Scientology. If so, Paul, Jason, June, and Rob Huebel are the smartest, most able-minded people ever to sit down and suffer through it. If you share Jason’s rage at the inconsistency of this film or Rob’s anger at the extreme un-sexiness of the characters, than you must join us for this celebration of awfulness. Plus, listen to hear if your Razzie category was selected. Keep sending in your movie suggestions, and join us on Facebook.

March 14, 2011

Some bits just don’t work in writing, you know? That’s what Eardrop is for! We at Earwolf have chosen some of our favorite comics to call in with jokes, characters, songs, and more. No edits, no supervision, just laughs!

March 14, 2011

Live from South By Southwest comes Comedy Bang Bang. We’re proud to have Paul Reubens, aka Pee-wee Herman, as our guest. Paul reveals his creative process as well as where Pee-wee Herman is headed. As if that’s not enough, Dave Foley and Lil Gary join Scott for Would You Rather’s and of course Plugs! Check out Eardrop which you can find on Earwolf and iTunes.

March 14, 2011

A vegetarian of 22 years decides that the way to fix her son’s umbilical hernia is to start eating meat.

March 13, 2011

Eardrop is a daily uncensored morsel of comedy for our Earwolves to enjoy for five minutes or so a day. You’ll hear from actors, comedians, musicians, characters, and more! Hear what your favorite comics are up to when they aren’t in front of a microphone (other than the one on their phone).

March 13, 2011

Robert Kraft, president of FOX Music, chats with Kevin about his love of music and running the music side of a major motion picture and television studio.

March 13, 2011

Happy St. (SAINT) Patrick’s day! To celebrate we bring you comedy slam dunk, Jessica ST. (SAINT – get it?!) Clair!! If you can get past how stunning she is, you will soon learn that this dame is everything good about women in comedy. We here at TLP are SUPER excited about everything she’s in because she brings the best funny energy and charm – and she generously did the same for our podcast! Enjoy.

March 10, 2011

We’ve got Josh Radnor and Jesse Thorn on this week’s Sklarbro Country, and we “Can’t Wait” to share it with you! We tackle some tough questions; How can we solve the crisis in the middle east, what should you do if you see an injured owl, and what amount must a charitable donation be for one to get away with being an asshole? Jesse once again offers up his expertise with an exclusive on the Fantasy Debutante league, and Josh assures us that he’s staying out of Charlie Sheen-level trouble. Please visit Legal Zoom, but be sure to clear your history so your bosses don’t catch you saving so much money!

March 10, 2011

It’s a wet, smelly, awkward orgy here at Glitter in the Garbage, and you’re invited! Drew tells another telling tale about his lovely friend Seth and the horrors of hard drug use (unless you’re a comedian and can pass it off as such). Paul Rust and Michael Cassady join the fun by pitching Lucky Charm mascots, busting minds game-show style, searching for missing children, and waxing nostalgic on the classic film Books. We’ll see you next week, and remember; if you wanted to make out with us at a party we would TOTALLY let you!

March 10, 2011

A major factor in providing entertainment is knowing how it will get to the audience. This week we have Rob Greenlee from Zune Marketplace to talk to us about the impact of podcast aggregation. Rob has seen podcasts die and thrive in his platform and he has expert advice to give to aspiring podcasters. Visit Rob on his blog for more great insight, and leave us a comment on Earwolf telling us how YOU get our podcasts. RSS, iTunes, Zune, directly from our site? We can’t wait to hear your answers.

March 8, 2011

Grab some cheddar bay biscuits, because it’s time for Who Charted?! Our guest this week is Rob Corddry who is best recognized from Childrens Hospital, The Daily Show, and from role playing Beauty and the Beast. Rob shows off a surprising interest in dance club music, a shocking criminal record, and uniquely fond memories of Boy Scout camp. After researching the definition of ‘rubric’, Rob is embarrased that he still doesn’t know what it means. Chart Darts is here again, as well as the Chart Mutation. Check our Earwolf show page to hear an exclusive bonus chart featuring timeless films of the past.

March 7, 2011

We feel a little guilty having done two Nic Cage movies and only one John Travolta flick. Taking that into consideration, we have chosen the “classic” sci-fi thriller Battlefield Earth as our next film. When you can take the scripture of Scientology and make it boring and obvious you have truly achieved a rare feat. If you are as impressed with this interplanetary suckfest as we are, tell us which award you wish The Razzies had bestowed upon it either on Earwolf, at , or via Facebook.

March 7, 2011

Creak! Slam! Sit down for some Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast! This week’s episode has everything you love about the show; the music of Phish and pussy jokes! Natasha Leggero, Harris Wittels, and Harris’ protege King Henry VI are our guests, along with Natasha and Harris’ new characters Maude and Jack. Death-Ray fans know Jimmy Stewart to be dismissive, but we’ve unearthed some footage that proves that he’s also winning. Be sure to vote in the Harris’ Phone Corner Poll at our blog, and come visit us next Sunday in Austin for a LIVE Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast!

March 6, 2011

Dave Thomas, “SCTV” shares some comedic insight into his life and career in comedy.

March 6, 2011

Likeable. Charming. Adorable. And that’s just the guy’s voice! Add in his quick wit and boyish good looks and you know why stand up comedian and round table regular from Chelsea Lately, BEN GLEIB has the ladies all hot and bothered. Natalie Portman take note!! He’s gonna be a household name someday so we’re happy we got him while we could…. Enjoy!

March 3, 2011

Turn off the Nickelback, put on your most aerodynamic slippers, and make your way down to the calming shores of Sklarbro Country. Randy and Jason welcome fellow podcasting duo Dave Anthony and Greg Behrendt of Walking the Room to the show this week, along with new twitterer Charlie Sheen. Dave talks Chelsea Football with the boys and Greg tells the shocking tale of how the perfectly primped guitar-geek we all know and love used to play rugby of all things. Charlie Sheen makes a stop on his bizarre press tour to explain….winning? Money? Jews? Chicago Cubs? Something along those lines. Please visit Legal Zoom, and listen for our NEW discount code!

March 2, 2011

Friends, we’ve been getting to know each other for thirteen weeks now. Can we finally be real with each other? No? Awesome. Instead, let’s play pretend! Drew, Ted and Brian play pretend being boxcar hobos, astronauts, mommy and daddy (and therapist), and the old stand-by, racist drunks. But if you are looking for realness, look no further than the tragic story of how Shakespeare mangled Drew’s arm. Feel free to get real with us on Facebook and leave your comments on Earwolf.

March 2, 2011

So far we’ve talked about podcast monetization with comedians, producers, journalists, and performers. This week we invite Scott MacDonell to bring his unique voice to the conversation. Scott is the VP of Marketing for and he runs his own podcast, This Week in Marketing. Because of his involvement in both worlds, he can inform us about the pitching and pricing of podcast advertising, understanding a listener base, and how podcasting differs from radio and television.

March 2, 2011

We have three guests this week: Howard’s brother, the ghost of Frank Sinatra, and Jen Kirkman. When Jen isn’t drinking wine, writing on NBC, or studying American History, she’s trying to figure out band names and movie plots with Howard and Kulap. We have our very first Alternative Music chart, plus movies and chart roulette. Listen for Jen’s advice on how to make a terrible song enjoyable, and visit Earwolf to hear this week’s stereo-pumping music chart.

March 1, 2011

After our nap through The Last Airbender, we thought we’d take an adrenaline-fueled ride through hell with Drive Angry 3D. If you like your movies illogical, uninspiring, and full of weird sex, you’ve come to the right place. Curtis Gwinn joins Paul, June, and Jason to figure out why there are muscle cars in hell, how the casting process works, and what a “God Gun” is. Listen to hear if your Nic Cage movie pitch got chosen, and to learn how much it would cost you to make a film of this magnitude.

March 1, 2011

A mom who finds breastfeeding stressful discovers that a machine helps her feel closer to her son.

February 28, 2011

After months upon months of asking, Scott finally receives an answer to the all important question “What’s Up Hot Dog?” He also receives the answer to the less important questions “What is Hot Dog’s favorite band?” and “How does Hot Dog feel about races other than his own?” Comedian and detective (as we’ll all remember from The Opener) Ben Schwartz helps Scott through this chance encounter by judging singing contests, proctoring depression tests, and performing some impressive role-playing. Jukebox Jury makes its final appearance (we hope), and we take a trip through comedy history with some Slam Slam jokes. Keep leaving your catchphrase suggestions, and check Scott out in Austin and Chicago.

February 27, 2011

Lauren Graham (“Parenthood” “Bad Santa”) chats with Kevin Pollak

February 27, 2011

Dreams come true guys! After being huge fans of actor KYLE BORNHEIMER’S from his hilarious role on Worst Week and now on NBC’s Perfect Couples, we would never have believed that we would hang with such a cool dude. Well, not only did that happen but he came over to our house, hung out with us for a hilarious hour and let us know that he is indeed super cool (for example: he would not like Hitler even if he were awesome in a dunk contest)! Enjoy.

February 24, 2011

No folks, you Sklaren’t having deja vu: Patton Oswalt joins us YET AGAIN this week on Sklarbro Country! And even if you’re as big a nerd as Patton is, if you follow his logic you too can enjoy the calming shores of Sklarbro Country. Patton shows off his acting chops by presenting a series of passages from Monday Night Jihad by Jason Elam, and pitches some of his movie ideas to fellow returning guest Owen Wilson. So crack open an Erdinger, soak in a tub full of Sklar, read up on yourHenderson trivia, and enjoy your time in Sklarbro Country. And if you’re dealing with any legal disputes, say herbicide or a fixed hockey contest, head over to Legal Zoom!

February 23, 2011

Oh Say Can You See the Glitter in the Garbage? Drew and his friends Roy and Jordan celebrate Presidents’ Day with a tribute to an American hero, President Ronald Reagan. Join us on this trip through American history: From loud-and-proud racists to more subtle, liberal racists. From the American legacy of antiquing to the American tendency to like something just because it’s “artistic.” So pick up something nice from the Macaroni Grill, pause Black Swan, and chow down on Glitter in the Garbage!

February 22, 2011

Coming in at number one on our volleyball-loving Greek comedian chart is ZACH GALIFIANAKIS! Zach and his trusty Vespa traversed through the rough terrain to make it to the Who Charted base camp. He tells us some Bieber secrets in the Top Singles chart, tries to figure out Gnomeo and Juliet in the movies chart, and plays an ultra-personal round of Chart Roulette! If you’ve been wondering what Zach smells like, or what kind of music he dances to, wait no longer. And check out the Who Charted? show page on Earwolf for Howard and Kulap’s personal charts!