Jason Micallef is a writer based in Los Angeles.
Samantha is a comedic actress and author who is well known as a senior correspondent o ...
Sam McMurray is an American television, film and voice actor. Among McMurray’s f ...
Hillary Frank is host and creator of The Longest Shortest Time, the parenting show for ...
Tim Baltz is an actor and writer known for The Second City Project and Drunk History.
Jack McBrayer is an American comedic actor, noted for his absurdly cheerful, overly po ...
Maz Jobrani, also known as Persian Pink Panther, is an Iranian-American comedian and a ...
Toni Charline is a writer and performer living in Los Angeles, CA. She has performed a ...
Brian Koppelman is an American filmmaker, essayist, podcaster, former music business e ...
Drennon Davis is a stand up comedian and musician. Check out his album with Karen Kilg ...
As a writer and producer, John‘s work includes Steve Harvey’s Big Time, Kid President: ...
David Rees is a humorist and cultural critic whose career has moved between various di ...