Molly Shannon is an Emmy-nominated and Independent Spirit Award-winning actress and co ...
Ann Friedman is an American feminist writer, magazine editor, journalist, and blogger. ...
Brian McCann is an American Emmy and WGA award-winning writer, actor, and comedian bes ...
Valerie is a prominent member of the Hollywood Handbook forum, thanks to her popular S ...
Josh Charles is an American stage, film and television actor. He is best known for the ...
Adam Rost is a big ol’ lover of comedy, podcasts and improv. He has a nice cat a ...
Anastasia Vigo is a writer, improviser, and host of the podcast, Dunktown.
Tim Treese is a software engineer and comedian best known for his vlog, Tim’s Vl ...
Rick L Hinds II is a podcaster who co-hosts the Americans United Again Podcast, Fergus ...
Aaron Abrams is a Canadian actor and writer, who has worked in both film and televisio ...
Alex improvises with The Stepfathers every Friday at UCB Chelsea and is an actor on th ...
Doug Moe is a comedic actor based out of the UCB Theatre since 1998. He is a member of ...