Michael Delaney has been acting, writing and directing comedy in NYC for 20 years. He ...
Aaron Reichenberger is a Law student at Willamette University, Editor-in-Chief of the ...
Daniel O’Brien also known as “DOB”, is a humorist, author, and song ...
Robert Brockway is a Senior Editor and columnist for Cracked.com. He is the author of ...
Will Weldon is a stand-up comedian, writer, actor currently living in Los Angeles.
Chris Schleicher is a writer for The Mindy Project.
Neko Case is an American singer-songwriter, best known for her solo career and her con ...
Judy Reyes is an American actress of Dominican heritage. She is best known for her por ...
John Milhiser has been lurking around the UCB theatre since 2005. He is a comedian cur ...
Owen Benjamin is a stand-up comedian and actor hailing from Oswego, NY. His hour-long ...
Christopher Poole is an American internet entrepreneur from New York City, noted for f ...
Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer prize winning staff writer at the New York Times and auth ...