Langan Kingsley has been studying improv and sketch at UCB since 2008 under approximat ...
Craig Rowin is an Emmy-nominated writer living in Brooklyn. Craig is currently the hea ...
Natasha Rothwell is a comedy performer, writer and director living and working in New ...
Jeremy started studying improv at UCB in 2006, and has taken classes with Will Hines, ...
Adam has been studying, performing and hanging around at the UCB Theatre since 2005. H ...
Shannon O’Neill is a writer, performer and teacher at the Upright Citizens Briga ...
Jordan Klepper spent a good chunk of time in Chicago where he was an original member o ...
A student at the UCB since 2008, Kate has studied under Porter Mason, Kevin Hines, Ant ...
Leo Lorge is the 10 year old host of the online show called Kidrockers.
Armen Weitzman is an actor, comedian, writer who frequently performs at the Upright Ci ...
Jon Lovitz is an American comedian, actor and singer. He is best known as a cast membe ...
Joseph Sargent is an American film director. He has directed many television movies, b ...