Joselyn Hughes is a Los Angeles based stand up comedian, writer and actor. She was rec ...
Honus Honus is the lead singer/lyricist of the Philadelphia band Man Man.
Brian Stack is an American actor, comedian, and writer best known for his sketch comed ...
Michael Moore is an American filmmaker, author, social critic, and political activist. ...
Andy Bowers oversees Slate’s collaboration with NPR’s daytime news magazin ...
Matt Sweeney is a guitarist, vocalist, and producer who has worked with various musici ...
Adam Cayton-Holland is a stand-up comedian from Denver, Colorado. His column, “W ...
Neil Casey is a Delaware-born actor, comedian, and writer that is currently starring i ...
Will Hines is an actor and writer who has performed at UCBT since November 2000. He cu ...
Davin Wood is a composer and 1/2 of the songwriting/recording duo Heidecker & Wood.
Paul W. Downs is an actor, writer, and comedian. A member of former UCB Harold Teams W ...
Lucia Aniello is a comedian and director. She is half of comedy duo Paulilu Production ...