Paul Dooley is a cartoonist, stage and film actor, comedian, writer magician, and clow ...
Winnie Holzman is a screenwriter, dramatist, and poet. She created the ABC television ...
Stephen Root is an actor and voice artist, best known for roles on News Radio, Office ...
Billy Bob Thornton is an Academy Award winning screenwriter, actor, director, and musi ...
Eric Balfour is a singer and actor best known for playing Milo Pressman on 24, Duke Cr ...
Laura Prepon is an actress best known for her roles as Donna Pinciotti in the long-run ...
Leonard Maltin is a film critic, author, and historian. He is known for writing the sh ...
Joel McHale is an actor, comedian, writer, television personality, television producer ...
Bradley Whitford is a three time Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actor best known for ...
Jason Alexander, is an actor, comedian, writer, director, producer, ,and singer. He is ...
Robert Morse is an accomplished actor and singer most recently known for his role as B ...
Rick Overton is an actor, screenwriter, and comedian. Best known for roles on The Offi ...