Lara Hodgson is President and CEO of NOW Corp and serves as an Entrepreneur in Residen ...
Alison Dyan Liebert is a Canadian actress, model and producer. She was a recipient of ...
Saul Hudson, better known as Slash, is a British-American musician, songwriter, and re ...
Dr. Jessica Hernandez (Maya Ch’orti’ & Binnizá) is a transnational Indigenous scho ...
Michael John Burkett, known professionally as Fat Mike, is an American musician and pr ...
Brian Simpson is a stand-up comedian based in Los Angeles, CA. His background as a fos ...
Marshawn Terrell Lynch is a former American football running back who played in the Na ...
Dr. Nadia Brashier is an Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences at Purdue Unive ...
Malinda Lo is an American writer of young adult novels including Ash, Huntress, Adapta ...
Jimanekia Eborn is a Queer Media Consultant, Comprehensive Sex Educator, Sexual Assaul ...
Justice Sonia Sotomayor is an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United Sta ...
Bridget Everett is an American comedian, actress, singer, writer, and cabaret performer.