Shelby Fero is a comedian and writer. At a young age she is at the forefront of the co ...
Sophia Rossi is one-third of the HelloGiggles website. For those who aren’t fami ...
Stephen Ruddy worked for the State Department in Guantanamo Bay, and the U.N. in Weste ...
Tami Sagher is the best. Let me throw out a few of her writing credits and you can see ...
Thomas Middleditch is a hilarious comedian with awesomely hilarious characters and a p ...
Anjulie is a Canadian singer and songwriter. She’s had four singles land in the ...
Kay Boutilier better known by her stage name, My Name Is Kay, or just simply as Kay, i ...
Pete and Brian are the comedy duo of Pete Karinen and Brian Sacca. Their creatively ti ...
Lexi Alexander is a former martial artist and film director responsible for Green Stre ...
Lennon Parham is a UCB-er who has been on Parks and Recreation AND Childrens Hospital, ...
Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian and a prophet of material multi-verse. For two ...
Emily Maya Mills is a killer Twitter-er, a hilarious improviser, and a member of the t ...