Sarah Burns is an actress and improviser who trained at UCB. Shocker, I know. Obviousl ...
Jackie Kashian is a comedian and the host of the popular (and dorky) podcast The Dork ...
Charlie Sanders is blowing up right now! Everyone who grew to love him as a UCB sketch ...
Eugene Cordero is an absolutely killer improviser from the mean streets of the UCB. Th ...
Charlie Day is not just Charlie Kelly from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, bu ...
Janet Varney is pretty and great (not “pretty great” because she’s S ...
Aubrey Plaza is so beautiful and talented I can’t stand it sometimes. You most l ...
Emmy-nominated Southern loudmouth Erin Gibson is an expert at mixing social commentary ...
DC Pierson is one of my favorite people in comedy, so it’ll be hard for me to ke ...
Andy Rosen is a true quadruple threat: Podcaster, husband, music producer and master o ...
Elizabeth Laime is a comedic writer and performer who you may have seen onstage at the ...
Kevin Kirkpatrick is a member of the world famous Groundlings Theater Main Company. Hi ...