Angela Trimbur is a delightfully hilarious comedic actress and improviser who you’ve s ...
Rachel Bloom is a stand-up comedian and improviser with a lovely voice. You might have ...
Kevin Seccia is a comedian and author who turned his love for boxing and comedy into t ...
Langhorne Slim is a singer-songwriter whose albums include Electric Love Letter, When ...
Taran Killam is one of the new young kids they got over there on the Saturday Night Li ...
Charlotte Newhouse has got some pretty impressive comedy-nerd-approved credits to her ...
Jillian Bell is both a writer for Saturday Night Live AND a member of the Groundlings ...
Aaron Burrell is an honors student and stand-up comedian (shocking pairing, I know!) w ...
BJ Gallagher is a comedian and actor who has performed improv with groups like The Ham ...
Colin Trahan is a musical theater performer and improviser whose biggest credit has to ...
Brian Huskey is a comedian and improviser who you might recognize from his work with T ...
David Wain is the best. As much as I’d like to include flowery language about how grea ...