Martin Rossiter is a Welsh singer, who is noted for being the lead singer of the Briti ...
Jill Gutowitz is a Culture & Entertainment Writer living in Los Angeles. Her work ...
Dr. James L. Gelvin is a Professor of Islamic Studies at UCLA.
WILD is a trio from Los Angeles, CA, composed of Lauren Luiz on vocals, Zach DeGaetano ...
Nathan Jansen has been improvising for 12 years. He performs at iO Chicago, The CSz Th ...
Also known as LGNDFRVR, he is a comedian on Instagram whose short-form sketches publis ...
Malcolm Timothy Gladwell CM is a Canadian journalist, author, and public speaker.
Ashley Esqueda is a CNET Senior Editor and on-air talent based in Los Angeles.
Elizabeth Ann Warren is an American politician and former academic, serving as the sen ...
Mimi Davila is a Cuban/Bulgarian (she is a baby product of the communist era) actress, ...
Laura Di Lorenzo is originally from Venezuela and raised in Miami. She has been doing ...
Sean Peters is a former physics teacher and Flat Earth theorist.