Aaron Burrell
Aaron Burrell is an honors student and stand-up comedian (shocking pairing, I know!) who was previously the official researcher for Professor Blastoff. In 2009 he was given the Best Clean Comic Award by Salt Lake City Weekly, so major snaps for him! He currently resides (see, I’m smart too! I can use big words like Aaron!) in Los Angeles with his wife and writing partner Carah.
Guest Appearances
July 26, 2011
If you downloaded this podcast, you either own or have access to a computer. But how does it work? Is your tower full of mythical creatures who make everything work, or does it have to do with quarks and other subatomic particles? Professor Blastoff’s resident researcher and computer expert Aaron Burrell joins the gang to discuss clouds and hard drives and F1 and everything else computer science entails. But don’t be too scared of all the binary talk and java-script, Kyle will lay out all the facts for you with yet another of his classic riddles.