Abby Arad

Abby Arad
Abby Arad is an LA based stylist and personal shopper.
Guest Appearances
August 1, 2023
This week June and Jessica are on a summer break but we’re still bringing you THE GOODS. Please enjoy this episode with their stylist, Abby Arad (Your Stylist Says) to discuss the photo heard around the world.
March 15, 2022
This week, June notices something strange when she sees only one set of footsteps behind her in the sand and it turns out, Jessica was carrying this episode all along. Then, June and Jessica welcome their stylist, Abby Arad (Your Stylist Says) to discuss the photo heard around the world. Yes, we’re talking about those neon suits! Abby kindly lends us all some amazing fashion tips, and we also learn a simple gray sweatshirt can be just as exciting as a pointed toe boot. And Deep Divers remember, sometimes it’s okay to be a Strega Nona!
For links to all of Abby’s styling suggestions check out her website: https://yourstylistsays.com
Or our Your Stylist Says curated Pinterest Board:
You can buy Jessica’s lashes here: https://www.kissusa.com/lashes/kiss-ever-ez-lash-double-pack-02
You can follow The Deep Dive on Twitter @thedeepdivepod
June Diane Raphael @MsJuneDiane on Twitter @junediane on Instagram
Jessica St. Clair @Jessica_StClair on Twitter @stclairjessica on Instagram
Check out the Jane Club at www.janeclub.com
Send us your The Deep Dive theme or any questions you might have to thedeepdive@earwolf.com