Alex Berg

Alex Berg grew up in Connecticut, where there’s not much to do besides climb trees and read Calvin & Hobbes. Shortly after getting a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Vassar College, he threw a pair of cargo shorts and a few t-shirts into a duffel bag and drove out to LA. Now, Alex spends the bulk of his waking hours writing, acting, and improvising. He’s now the artistic director of UCB LA, so he guesses it’s all been worth it. Currently, he performs with UCB house teams Sentimental Lady and Convoy, and can frequently be seen prowling around backstage hoping to sit in with other shows as well. Occasionally, he shows up on television, in shows like Terriers, Reno! 911, and MANswers. Recently, he played a naked old lady in Hell Baby (Sundance 2013) and a post apocalyptic hipster in Best Friends Forever (Slamdance 2013). Beyond all that, he’s a huge science nerd and a bit unkempt. Deal with it.
Guest Appearances
January 10, 2021
Alex Berg returns to the show to talk Super Meat Boy with Nick and Heather! They talk about the rage inducing difficulty, the flowiness of the gameplay, 2010s internet humor and more!
December 29, 2019
Alex Berg (Bajillion Dollar Properties, The Goldbergs) joins Nick and Heather to discuss WarioWare Inc! They talk about the fast paced manic energy of the microgame series, Berg’s experience being Crash Bandicoot, and more!
April 20, 2016
During the reign of Aerys Targaryen, his son Prince Rhaegar won the grand Tournament at Harrenhal, and crowned Lyanna Stark the Queen of Love and Beauty. Too bad she was already betrothed to Robert Baratheon. When Rhaegar and Lyanna disappeared, the realm descended into chaos. Episode 3 of Shadow Of The Dragon covers the ensuing civil war, commonly known as Robert’s Rebellion. To hear more from this series, log on to howl.fm and use the code HGOT to get 1-month free access.
April 20, 2016
Nearly 300 years after the Conquest, Aerys Targaryen was ruler of Westeros, the latest in an unbroken line of Targaryen monarchs. As a creeping madness began to infect his mind, more and more of the true power of the throne was diverted to his lifelong friend and Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister. Episode 2 of Shadow Of The Dragon, covers the early years of Aerys’ reign, and his complex, shifting friendship with Tywin. To hear more from this series, log on to howl.fm and use the code HGOT to get 1-month free access.
April 20, 2016
Who were the First Men? Or the Andals? What about the Valyrians? Where did all the dragons come from? How did Westeros come to be Westeros? Maester Carlin answers all these questions and more in Episode 1 of Shadow Of The Dragon series, covering Westerosi history from the first human settlements on Westeros to Aegon Targaryen’s dragon fueled continental conquest. To hear more from this series, log on to howl.fm and use the code HGOT to get 1-month free access.
April 18, 2016
Maester George RR Carlin (Alex Berg) of Hardcore Game of Thrones has a special message.