Andy Wood

Andrew “Andy” Wood (born 1977) is an American comedian and a founder/producer of Portland’s Bridgetown Comedy Festival. He is a native of Ann Arbor, Michigan currently residing in Los Angeles, California. He is also a performer and producer for Washington, D.C.’s Bentzen Ball.
Guest Appearances
June 17, 2018
Are you 100% sure you exist? Good news: we’re sure. But here’s a few TERRIFYING headlines saying otherwise: “The universe shouldn’t exist, according to science.” (New York Post) “The universe shouldn’t exist, scientists say after finding bizarre behaviour of anti-matter” (The Independent) “Universe shouldn’t exist, CERN physicists conclude.” (Cosmos Magazine) You might see those statements and think they sound increasingly convincing. First it was scientists saying stuff, then they brought anti-matter into it, and then holy cow here comes CERN. What a big official-looking acronym!
All those stories spring from one study, which Physics Today and Gizmodo covered in a professional way. The study explained a huge leap forward in how we measure antiproton magnetic movement. One press release about it contained a borderline joke about the universe. And from there, all hell broke loose. Specifically, the same hell that keeps happening with discovery after discovery.
On this week’s episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by Matt Kirshen (The Jim Jefferies Show) and Andy Wood (Bridgetown Comedy Festival) of “Probably Science” to plumb the depths of Internet science reporting. They’ll explore the food chain of scientists, universities, PR people, clickbait farms, and straight-up liars who turn good science into confusing Facebook junk. They’ll rolodex tales of alien octopuses, brown pandas, new Earths, and other actually-awesome things you’ve been lied to about. And they’ll send you out into the world with science literacy tools that will make your brain happier and your life a whole lot easier.
Footnotes: https://goo.gl/aBwRkg
August 25, 2016
LIVE from the UCB-Sunset Theatre in Los Angeles, Mark Wahlberg (Daniel Van Kirk) returns to solve the problems of the world (because Donnie can’t) with his very famous friends Harrison Ford (Kenny Stevenson), Alfalfa (Alison Becker), Gwyneth Paltrow (Beth Hoyt), and Andy Wood. They’ll cover very important topics including Ryan Lochte, the Olympics, and more.
March 1, 2016
Comedian and podcaster Andy Wood joins Randy and Jason on this week’s Sklarbro County. They discuss Chris Rock hosting the Oscars and the Sklars recently performing in Raleigh, NC. Daniel Van Kirk’s crazy stories include a Florida man with a metal detector who found a live grenade at the beach and two strangers who had sex on a Ferris wheel. Later, prosecuting attorney Ken Kratz of Making a Murderer calls in to plug his classic rock cover band.
July 8, 2014
Kyle talks about hijinks on the set of an Apatow movie and leads the gang in a mother meditation about his mom’s new iPhone. Then, have you ever wondered what goes into planning a huge festival? Bridgetown Comedy Festival producer/founder Andy Wood is in the hatch to talk about the logistics of planning something so huge, and dealing with staff, scheduling, Google Docs, and more. Plus, his secret to productivity revealed!
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