
Beginnings is an interview podcast hosted by Andy Beckerman and Mark Bisi of Wrestling Team. As a comedy team, Andy and Mark have spent nearly ten years writing and performing with projects like Channel 101’s Cents and Cents’ Abilities and their musical Rockerfeller Centaur to show for it. Beginnings takes a look at successful creative people and how they began their careers. Past guests include James Adomian, Rich Fulcher, Jon Wurster and many other Earwolf figures!
Guest Appearances
July 20, 2011
Our first elimination week comes to a close with, well, an elimination. As tough as it was, our judges have chosen the three weakest intros and unfortunately one will leave the competition. Did we make the right call? Who are your favorites so far? Talk it up in the forums and on Facebook.
July 19, 2011
Now that Matt has coached our wonderful contestants, let’s check in and see what they come up with! Our guest judges are Jason Sklar from Sklarbro Country and Jimmy Pardo from Never Not Funny who join Matt to see which theme songs work, which intros are too long, and who have the contest in the bag. Check in tomorrow to hear the bottom three podcasts and to learn who is going home.
July 18, 2011
We begin our second week of The Earwolf Challenge with our first elimination round. We’ve asked all ten of our contestants to send in the opening of their podcast, be it a theme song or spoken introduction, and the lowest ranking competitor will be sent home. We start the week off with a coaching session so be sure to join us tomorrow to hear the resulting intros with special guest judges Jason Sklar and Jimmy Pardo.
July 13, 2011
We’ve finally reached the end of the getting-to-know-you week on The Earwolf Challenge and we’re ready to reveal our three final contestants. We start off with The Little Dum Dum Club which is based out of Australia and is our only international show. We follow that up with Beginnings, a show about the origins of creative people hosted by the comedy duo Wrestling Team. Finally we have Left Handed Radio, another sketch show with five different performers from five different NYC sketch and improv groups. Join us next week for our very first elimination round!