Brad Williams

Guest Appearances
May 20, 2016
Comedian Brad Williams joins Randy to discuss his new Showtime special, “Daddy Issues.” He also talks about growing up as a little person and the valuable life lessons his parents taught him. Later, Daniel Van Kirk brings a County Story of a man who argued he doesn’t need a license plate for his car because it’s not in the Bible. Michael Kissick, the friendliest TSA agent, leaves a voicemail about the chaotic Midway Airport lines.
September 8, 2015
Stand-up comedian and podcaster Brad WIlliams joins Jensen and Matty to talk about Jensen’s new cast, why Brad has given false hope to hecklers, the Kevin and Bean morning show, his podcast About Last Night with Adam Ray, Until Dawn, 3nder, Creep, hoverboards, Codenames, how we’re late on The Great Debates with Steve Hely and Dave King, Kung Fu Elliot, Sons of Anarchy, and many other things you should know about. Plus, the debut of Is This An Actual Air Jordan Shoe or Something I Just Made Up!