Brendan Dauenhauer

Guest Appearances
March 1, 2016
If you’re gonna be an adult then there’s no one better you’d want to be than Casey Wilson of Marry Me, Happy Endings, and Bitch Sesh. Casey is an accomplished creator but is still fearful of her lack of tech knowledge. Tech Guru Brendan Dauenhauer is back to join Deanna & Emily to help Casey with her burning questions about what happens when you delete your sexy pics, hackers, and setting up her own Wi-Fi network.
June 2, 2015
Tech expert Brendan Dauenhauer joins Deanna & Emily to answer all their burning tech questions about cookies & cache, being watched through the computer, and the Cloud. Plus, Brendan offers his expertise to help out Matt Besser of improv4humans, Lennon Parham and Jessica St. Clair from Womp It Up!, David Huntsberger of Professor Blastoff, and Chad Krueger of The Hooray Show with Horatio Sanz with their tech questions.