Chris Tallman

Chris Tallman is an actor and improviser who you’ve probably seen on Reno 911 on Crossballs. I really like those shows. He’s also appeared on the Superego podcast, which I really like. He was also really really good in The Sarah Silverman Program and Chocolate News and Kitten vs. Newborn. He’s really really great, if you haven’t gotten that yet.
Guest Appearances
October 24, 2018
Andy and Matt are giving ol’ August Lindt another shot with Travel Bug recorded live at The Largo in Los Angeles. August is joined by other famous travel bugs, Werner Herzog, Pope Benedict XIII, and H.R. Giger to discuss their favorite travels. Then the whole Lindt family pop’s by to update us on what they’ve been up to since we last heard from them four years. And to close out the evening German super-group, Spyryt performs their hits.
Special Guests: Matt Besser, Paul F. Tompkins, Jeremy Carter, James Bladon, Chris Tallman, Mark McConville, Erinn Hayes, Todd Cooper, and Tony Thaxton
This episode is brought to you by Heineken and Casper Mattresses (www.casper.com/andydaly code: ANDYDALY).
Photos by Liezl Estipona.
April 4, 2018
You’re in for a treat as Andy Daly & Matt Gourley bring you a remarkable festival of German accents in a travel themed podcast pilot hosted by pretzel maker/world traveler August Lindt. August is in fantastic German company as he welcomes legendary director Werner Herzog (Paul F. Tompkins), surrealist painter/sculptor H.R. Giger (Matt Gourley), and our former holiness Pope Benedict XVI (Matt Besser) to get acquainted with one another, share some travel tips, and recommend wonderful travel destinations. Plus, they play a game called Where In The World Are My Wife and Children?
Featuring: Matt Besser, Paul F. Tompkins, Erinn Hayes, Chris Tallman
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon (www.mackweldon.com code: ANDY).
Listen to Season 2 starting Thursday, March 8th on Stitcher Premium! For a free month trial, go to stitcherpremium.com/andy and use promo code ‘ANDY’.
September 11, 2017
Paul F. Tompkins welcomes everyone with his real voice to Spontaneanation! This time out, Paul’s special return guests are Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher of Put Your Hands Together and Take My Wife! They chat about what movie they have lied about seeing, Rhea admitting that she has never seen Contact, and the levels of the video game GoldenEye 007. Then, they are joined by improvisers Eugene Cordero, Chris Tallman, and Nicole Parker, to improvise a story set in a Whale Watching Boat. And as always, Eban (only the best) Schletter scores it all on piano!
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon (www.mackweldon.com code: PFT), Indochino (www.indochino.com code: PFT), Mission to Zyxx, Second City Training Center (www.secondcity.com/TC).
June 26, 2017
Paul F. Tompkins welcomes ladies and gentlemen back to Spontaneanation! This week, Paul’s special guest is actor and comedian Ennis Esmer of Red Oaks and Blindspot! They chat about when it was the last time Ennis vomited, running home fast after getting drunk when he lived on a college campus, and loving to sleep in his clothes. Paul is then joined by Jean Villepique, Chris Tallman, and Josh Dean, to improvise a story set in A Covered Wagon Fording A River. And as always, Eban (only the best) Schletter scores it all on piano!
New York! There are still tickets left to see Spontaneation Live at The Bell House in Brooklyn! November 12, 10pm: bit.ly/SPONTHOUSE1710PM
If you’d like to provide a location for the improv on a future episode, follow @Spontaneanation on Twitter so you won/t miss the prompt!
This episode is brought to you by Blue Apron (www.blueapron.com/PFT) and Leesa.com (www.leesa.com code: PFT).
February 17, 2017
In anticipation of the 100th episode SPONTANEANATION with Paul F. Tompkins, we present to you the never-before heard pilot episode! Featuring Matt Gourley, Mark McConville, Chris Tallman, and special interview guest Rich Sommer. They chat about how Mad Men is going to end, Rich being upset after having Citizen Kane and Battle star Galactica spoiled for him, and Rich practicing chess for 9 months to have a perfect movie moment in real life. They then improvise a story set in A Non-Tropical Resort. And as always, Eban (only the best) Schletter scores it all on piano! Plus, Paul answers your Twitter questions about the show!
January 9, 2017
Paul F. Tompkins welcomes the audience back to Spontaneanation, recorded in front of a LIVE audience at the world-famous Largo at The Coronet! This week, Paul’s special guest is actor Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead! They chat about what day Steven would go back to relive & change, how Steven got a scar during high-school track warm ups, and Steven’s church band. Paul is then joined by Shulie Cowen, Tawny Newsome, and Chris Tallman, to improvise a story set in an Art Gallery. And as always, Eban (only the best) Schletter scores it all on piano!
Photos by Liezl Estipona.
This episode is brought to you by Blue Apron (www.blueapron.com/PFT), GlassesUSA (www.glassesUSA.com/Paul), and Indochino (www.indochino.com code: PFT).