Dan Gregor

Dan Gregor is an ECNY winning, How I Met Your Mother writing, UCB performing sketch and improv comic who has written pilots, screenplays, stage shows and more. He’s part of the production trio Chubby Skinny Kids with Doug Mand (who we love) and Adam Pally (who we adore).
Guest Appearances
February 28, 2018
Rising Democratic Senators Elizabeth “Poseidon” Warren (Rachel Bloom) and Chuck “Lil Squish” Schumer (Dan Gregor) waltz into Hard Nation like a couple of Admiral Holdos. Warren thinks all Americans deserve a “double drop” like Splash Mountain, Schumer’s famous cousin has been sending him dog crap for 1600 days, and both of them dish on their favorite taffy flavors. Plus: it’s Hard Nation’s 100th episode!
February 24, 2012
Last time we had Dan Gregor on the show we hardly had time to get intimately acquainted with him. That is no longer a problem as he shares with us his embarrassing tummy rumblings, his views of George W. Bush, and his shameful “love” of Missy Elliott with us Laimewads. We’ll talk tattoos and menus any day with Dan! Enjoy!
April 8, 2010
We decided to celebrate our 10th podcast with double the funny – Comedy writers/performers Dan Gregor of the Chubby Skinny Kids and Dc Pierson of Derrick comedy came over and rocked our lamb skins! Enjoy.