Dan Schimpf

Dan Schimpf is the co-creator, director, and craft service guy of the hit web-series “Next Time on Lonny.”
Guest Appearances
June 19, 2014
The impresarios behind the hit web-series “Next Time on Lonny,” Alex Anfanger & Dan Schimpf are here along with today’s co-host Traci Rearden on a bonus Comedy Bing Bong! We’ll hear about the new season of Next Time on Lonny, the process behind Alex & Dan’s choose your own adventure episode, the first time they met at NYU many years ago, and catch up with Traci’s life & dreams. Plus, everyone checks out an insane dog video during a game of Riddle Me This! Check out “Next Time on Lonny” over at http://www.maker.tv/show/nexttimeonlonny.
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