David Kennedy

David Kennedy is a social scientist at the RAND Corporation and professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He was trained as a medical anthropologist and received his Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the University of Florida. He has conducted research on the intersection of culture, social networks and health on a variety of topics with a variety of populations. He is developing open source software called EgoWeb 2.0 to provide a resource for researchers to collect social network data in a variety of formats (www.rand.org/methods/egoweb) and to assist the development of health interventions targeting social networks.
Guest Appearances
May 6, 2014
Tig, Kyle, and David start the show off by discussing Easter and its weird by-products, bunnies, and traditions. Then, David Kennedy from the Rand Corporation joins them to discuss social groups, what makes someone interesting, comedian networking, social IQs, and friendship. If you’re still not convinced, you’ll hear a brand-new female version of the Scuttleback song, and more topics like Twitter, homeless people, and #diarrhea!