Drew Pokorny

Guest Appearances
November 8, 2016
An exciting finale event to celebrate the almost-exciting finale of Finding Prince Charming! The “winner” of FPC himself, Eric Leonardos, joins us for the interview and maybe-almost-kind-of makes Matt cry. Plus: dating tips from gay deities Ronna & Beverly; and powerful insights from rising star Deanna Cheng, Hollywood Correspondent Stephen Guarino and reality pro Drew Pokorny.
February 9, 2016
*NSYNC’s Lance Bass and producer Drew Pokorny of Dirty Pop with Lance Bass on Sirius XM join Deanna & Emily this week for a very special episode of OMFG! We’ll find out how in tune Lance and Drew are with the youth as they do their best to define “fuckboi,” “thirst trap,” “diva cup,” and much more as they go head-to-head in a “OMFG! Dirty Pop” Pop Quiz. Plus, Lance shares the official story behind the evolution of the apostrophe before *NSYNC.