Edgar Momplaisir

Edgar Momplaisir is a comedian/writer/performer born in New York City, partially raised in McAllen,TX and now based in Los Angeles. He performs weekly with Harold team LeRoy at the UCB Theatre and indie darlings Arcade Currency. Edgar also enjoys writing and directing short films. He has been an artist-in-residence at the Echo Park Film Center and has won awards for his shorts. Credits include the new Gus van Sant film “Don’t Worry,” “He Won’t Get Far on Foot” and NBC comedy “Great News.”
Guest Appearances
October 10, 2021
Actress, comedian, and SNL alum Vanessa Bayer joins Scott to talk about fake laughter, her new podcast with her brother Jonah “How Did We Get Weird?,” and Lean Pockets commercials. Then, lightning enthusiast Brent Finley stops by to talk about his love of lightning. Plus, rapper Mack Attack drops by to talk about coming out of retirement.
November 12, 2020
Improv team Leroy (Aman Adumer, Mary Anthony, Kimia Behpoornia, Josh Brekhus, Dayna LoBosco, James Mannion, Edgar Momplaisir, and Mia Schauffler) joins Matt Besser for this week’s improv4humans! They perform scenes about dog lineage, understanding absentee parents, a Grand Theft Auto lawyer, and much more. Plus, a listener calls in with a story about a Dungeons & Dragons campaign gone awry.
September 20, 2020
Dirt bag Rudi North comes in hot once again as he joins Scott to announce his new job as a Zoom security guard. Then, Darren Matichek, owner of the National Bobblehead Museum and Hall of Fame returns to talk about new bobbleheads in his collection. Plus, Jerry Major drops by to talk about his job making movies into Will Smith movies.
August 3, 2020
Edgar Momplaisir (@awfulgram) and Jacquis Neal (@jacquisneal) of Culture Kings join the SAP crew to discuss their infamous goat Would You Rather question, whether or not Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a romantic comedy, Kanye West’s mental health battle, and the weight of representing an entire marginalized group.
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August 2, 2020
A famous critic joins the podcast to talk about his strange relationship to the plays he reviews. Maybe he’ll review the podcast!
Arnie: Arnie Niekamp
Chunt: Adal Rifai
Usidore: Matt Young
Jarmaine the Critic: Edgar Momplaisir
Talbot the Badger: Tugs the Badger
Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Matt Young, and Adal Rifai
Post-Production Coordination: Garrett Schultz
Earwolf Producer: Kimmie Lucas
Editor: Stephen Dranger
Special Assistance: Ryan DiGiorgi
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Theme Music: Andy Poland
December 31, 2019
New Year, same pod. Andrew and Tawny welcome back Edgar Momplaisir (Culture Kings) to help ring in the New Year by helping listeners out with their questions. Topics include: people not knowing Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is black, the complexities of criticizing the black church and problematic fantasy gaming characters. Still dealing with racism in 2020? Hit us up at (323) 389-RACE.