Fred Stoller

Fred Stoller is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, voice artist, and comedian. He broke into comedy during the boom period of the 1980s and was on every television show that would feature stand-ups. He is best known for his frequent guest starring as Gerard on the CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond. He has also made guest appearances on several additional TV series as well as having written two episodes of Seinfeld. He also wrote about his time as a writer on Seinfeld in his Amazon Kindle single, “My Seinfeld Year,” which can be purchased by going here: http://www.amazon.com/Seinfeld-Year-Kindle-Single-ebook/dp/B006Z499M0
Guest Appearances
April 20, 2017
Killing time with Fred Stoller.
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon (www.mackweldon.com code: PARDO), Silicon Valley on HBO.
May 14, 2013
Queen Latifah & Dolly Parton were in a gospel filled musical with so many plots that it will make your head spin! Fred Stoller joins us to talk about the strange heart attacks that kill of two characters in the movie, the bum wiping vs turd in tissue issue that Queen’s son with Asperger’s syndrome faces with, and who is shooting the footage of Queen & her husband hugging at a park. We also cover the diner food fight scene, Dolly’s partial duet with her dead husband/ghost self, and the big medley at the end with Catholic-fied versions of pop songs. Make sure to keep voting and suggesting which movies for us to review at http://fyi.earwolf.com!!
February 21, 2013
The one and only Fred Stoller is here to rant about Best Week Ever, hipsters pretending to be nerds, and Dennis Miller on today’s episode of THE FOGELNEST FILES! Fred shares his love of character actors, expands on some of the amazing stories from his Amazon Kindle Single My Seinfeld Year, and talks about his infamous agent Ari Emanuel. Then Fred & Jake take a look at a couple of clips that include; footage of the New York Improv from the 1970s, Jimmy “Dy-no-mite!” Walker, and Tootsie. Make sure to go leave reviews for which Bob Newhart show you liked better in “The Fogelnest Files” section on iTunes. Don’t forget to get your tickets for the special Burning Love episode of THE FOGELNEST FILES with Nick Kroll and June Diane Raphael on Thursday, February 28th at UCB-LA!
August 21, 2012
Fred Stoller does not hold back during this week’s Sklarbro County! Fred drops in to talk about being the 10 day contract guy, loving to root against the empire, and being mistaken as a guy who can’t drive. Dan Van Kirk brings in stories that include a dumb-ass Cowboy fan, Crocs founder George Boedecker blaming his DUI on Taylor Swift, and a drunk sleeping man who cheated death. We are also treated to a series of voicemails from a drunk Sam Elliott.