Jay Chandrasekhar

Jay Chandrasekhar is an actor, comedian, writer, and director best known for his work with the comedy team Broken Lizard. He has directed and starred in Broken Lizard’s films Super Troopers, Club Dread, and Beerfest.
Guest Appearances
May 5, 2017
Actor, comedian, and Broken Lizard Jay Chandrasekhar returns to the Country this week to share stories from his new book, “Moustache Shenanigans: Making Super Troopers and Other Adventures in Comedy.” The Sklars break down how ESPN evolved into its current state before Jay fills them in on how the scoring is coming for Super Troopers 2. Then, they riff on LaVar Ball’s hyped-up boasts, a tennis match interrupted by noisy coitus, and competitive hobby horsing, and finally, the Sklars ring up Nic Cage to hear his take on Las Vegas sports.
This episode is sponsored by ZipRecruiter (www.ziprecruiter.com/happy).
September 3, 2014
Broken Lizard member & director of Super Troopers, Club Dread, & Beerfest, Jay Chandrasekhar joins Howard & Kulap to rename September on this week’s WHO CHARTED! Canadian songs being too nice, Hollywood stalkers, and Friday Night Lights are all brought up as they count down the TOP 5 BILLBOARD POP SONGS Music Chart. Then, we hear about Jay’s sophisticated & raunchy Amazon pilot “Really” and why Jay has decided to stop with superhero movies during the MOVIE CHART. Finally, Jay shares an incredible Willy Nelson story from the set of The Dukes of Hazzard as he answers your questions in the TWEET CHART!
Be sure to check out the new trailer for Kulap’s documentary, Origin Story at http://www.originstorydoc.com/, and support the project by going to it’s Indiegogo fundraising page: igg.me/at/originstorydoc. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter and facebook and #FF @originstorydoc!
Plus, pick up ‘Summah This, Summah That’ at http://howardkremer.bandcamp.com/album/summah-this-summah-that and head to http://teespring.com/gucruiseshirt to pick up your very own Gu Cruise T-shirt.
Don’t miss Howard’s glowing endorsement of Origin Story, available on YouTube. http://youtu.be/ZfODbxdgXSs
July 30, 2012
The owner of one of the five one-way tickets used to board the Rocket Ship to Fame, Broken Lizard’s Jay Chandrasekhar makes his first appearance! He talks about his early sketch days, the importance of mustaches, how Super Troopers almost never existed, and his new movie The Babymakers. Also, the return of the Cake Boss himself, Buddy Valastro joins Scott and Jay to reveal the secret of cheesecake, answer the question of how long he’s been making cakes, and to scream and yell about his appearance on Comedy Bang! Bang! the TV show where he was asked to scream and yell. All of this including a hellish game of Would You Rather? Don’t forget to pick up the Comedy Bang! Bang! LIVE Summer Tour episodes!
June 29, 2012
Looking to have a crazy weekend? Why not start it off with drunk Dennis Rodman, prostitute hunting Mike Tyson, and premature death from too much televised soccer? Broken Lizards Jay Chandrasekhar and Kevin Heffernan, of Super Troopers and The Babymakers, talk movies and baseball. Plus, a call with Bryant Gumbel reveals potential new Olympic games. P.S. F Greg!