Jenny Johnson

Jenny Johnson is a writer/comedian who is great at Twitter. Follow her @JennyJohnsonHi5
Guest Appearances
January 12, 2016
Comedian and Get Up OFF expert Jenny Johnson joins Jensen and Matty to talk about getting up OFF high heels, teenagers on hover boards, lottery tickets, the “Whip and Nae Nae” “On Broadway,” and how we were dead wrong about pocket squares, yams, and matte black wheels on cars.
September 19, 2013
Twitter’s Jenny Johnson joins Jake to talk about being on The View after she made Chris Brown furious over Twitter on today’s episode of THE FOGELNEST FILES! Jenny also explains how she joined Twitter initially for her television news producer job in Houston, what lead to her introducing the Geto Boys in concert, and occasionally pointing out Kim Kardashian’s delusional thoughts on Twitter. As always, check out the full playlist over at youtube.com/TheFogelnestFiles! People of Los Angeles, THE FOGELNEST FILES will be a part of the LA Podcast Festival on October 5th and is a great place to meet girls! Go to http://lapodfest.com for tickets! Lastly, THE FOGELNEST FILES returns to New York on October 10th at the Bell House in Brooklyn and tweens are not welcome as it is a 18+ show!