Jesse Thomas

singer. writer. baller with the pistol shrimps
Guest Appearances
August 17, 2016
Jesse Thomas takes on Angela ’Swaggy Trim’ Trimbur in Round 4 of Pistol Shrimps Radio: Summer Masters Mini-Golf Tournament. Coach Vanger, Coach Biz, and Caddy Jerry tag along.
The Shrimps on Twitter: @pistolshrimpsbb
The Shrimps on Instagram: @thepistolshrimps
Pistol Shrimps Radio on Twitter: @ShrimpsRadio
Matt Gourley on Twitter and IG: @MattGourley
Mark McConville on Twitter and IG: @MarkMcConville
June 26, 2015
Singer-songwriter Jesse Thomas joins Jensen & Matty to talk about the Pistol Shrimps, music open mics, Jesse’s Hazel EP receiving the Starbucks Pick of the Week, Prayers: Cholo Goth, Patreon, The Nightmare, Wrabel, The Familiar Volume 1: One Rainy Day in May, how we’re late on So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, The Lord of the Rings Living card game, Fiona Apple, and many other things you should know about. Plus, in a Get Up On This first, Jesse Thomas performs a song for us.