Jessie Daniels
Jessie Daniels, PhD is Professor of Sociology at Hunter College and at The Graduate Center, CUNY (Sociology and Critical Social Psychology). She earned her PhD from University of Texas-Austin, where she worked with Joe R. Feagin, and did a post-doctoral fellowship at University of Cincinnati, where she worked with Patricia Hill Collins. Her main area of interest is in race and digital media technologies. She is an internationally recognized expert on Internet manifestations of racism.
Guest Appearances
July 20, 2017
You can follow CUNY Professor Jessie Daniels at @JessieNYC. Also check out her books “White Lies” and “Cyber Racism.” She is currently working on a new book, “Tweetstorm: The Rise of the “Alt-Right” and the Mainstreaming of White Nationalism.” To keep up with Nicholas Weaver follow him on twitter at at @ncweaver.
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