JJ Wienkers
JJ Wienkers is a 20-something Los Angeles based writer, blogger, and screenwriter.
Guest Appearances
October 25, 2013
Andrew Ti and this week’s special guest JJ Wienkers finish the week off by figuring out if kids’ TV shows like Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan & Dora the Explorer are actually helping young children appreciate various cultures or if they are perpetuating certain racial stereotypes. As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
October 24, 2013
Andrew and JJ Wienkers discuss the good dancer stereotype. Chill out breakdancing people and don’t forget to keep leaving us messages by calling (323) 389-RACE.
October 23, 2013
Today JJ Wienkers & Andrew talk about a caller’s possibly racist street name and JJ’s hometown. Be sure to keep leaving us messages at (323) 389-RACE.
October 22, 2013
JJ Wienkers & Andrew discuss Hollywood remaking Foreign movies and wonder if it’s racist. Make sure to leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
October 21, 2013
Writer, performer, and producer JJ Wienkers joins Andrew Ti all this week to answer some racism questions. Today they wonder if Apple is racist for having Siri censor curse words but not the n-word. Be sure to call us at (323) 389-RACE to ask if anything is racist.