John Moe

John Moe is an American writer, reporter, and host of the radio variety show Wits. The show consists of interviews, comedic sketches, musical performances, and a game show between the two guests, who have included Julia Sweeney, John Hodgman, Roseanne Cash, and Neil Gaiman, among numerous others.
Guest Appearances
June 23, 2019
Thought experiment: you’re a large country locked in a 20th century geopolitical death struggle. Any wrong move could irradiate the planet. Any right move gets you a marginal victory over your opponent without ending the larger conflict. In that scenario, do you ease the root tensions driving the world insane? Or do you maximize those tensions, dig your heels in, and remake your entire society just to piss off the Rooskies? (Spoiler: you do the second thing and it becomes this podcast episode.)
On this episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by comedian Chloe Radcliffe, comedian & podcaster John Moe, University of Minnesota historian Elaine Tyler May, and an amazing LIVE audience at Amsterdam Bar & Hall in St. Paul MN. They team up to explore the strangest, oddest, most bizarre ways America tried to win the Cold War — everything from social engineering to suburban sprawl to a bomb shelter for non-human Americans — and examine how those intentional societal shifts stick with us today.
Footnotes: https://www.cracked.com/podcast/the-weirdest-ways-america-tried-to-win-cold-war/
February 20, 2015
Nate celebrates the achievement of releasing over 10 episodes by sharing a very funny piece written by Dan Kennedy entitled “I Just Found Out ABC Family Is Going To Pass On My Pitch” and read by the great Steve Agee live from the UCB-theatre in Los Angeles. Then, Nate chats with John Moe, host of the funniest show on National Public Radio called Wits. They talk about John’s book “Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth: And Other Pop Culture Correspondences,” why listening to the same music helps him write, and trying to add more silliness to public radio. Finally, Nate sends us off by reading a simple and powerful short story by Tim Wirkus entitled “An Intrusion.” Grab Jonathan Franzen’s “The Corrections” and send in your thoughts on the book at readingaloudpodcast@gmail.com for the next book club episode and come see the show LIVE at UCB-Franklin in Los Angeles on Sunday, March 8th at 7:30pm! Get tickets at www.ucbtheatre.com.
January 16, 2014
John Moe is a long time public radio person and host of the terrific public radio variety show/podcast Wits. He joins Jake to discuss how Wits became the show that it is now was born, his early comedic & radio influences, and to do an appreciator’s commentary of the music video for The Rolling Stones’ Waiting On A Friend. As always, all the videos from this episode are over at youtube.com/TheFogelnestFiles! People of San Francisco you can now get your tickets for a LIVE episode of THE FOGELNEST FILES with special guest CHRIS GETHARD on Friday, February 7th at Stage Werx as part of SF Sketchfest! Go to www.sfsketchfest.com for tickets.