Kate James
Kate James is a comedian, writer, and performer at The Second City.
Guest Appearances
June 13, 2021
Momo the Mouse and Gianessa the former Sheriff visit Flower in the big city of Northeastia for some drinking, bonding and fighting.
Flower: Brooke Breit
Momo the Mouse: Erin Keif
Gianessa Relkorus: Dana Quercioli
Tricia: Kate James
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Matt Young, and Adal Rifai
Post-Production Coordination: Garrett Schultz
Earwolf Producer: Kimmie Lucas
Editor: Anna Havermann
Special Assistance: Ryan DiGiorgi
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Theme Music: Andy Poland
November 1, 2020
Can the Wizard returns to help solve a time mystery… and yell about his own murder.
Arnie: Arnie Niekamp
Chunt: Adal Rifai
Usidore: Matt Young
Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen
Tricia: Kate James
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Matt Young, and Adal Rifai
Post-Production Coordination: Garrett Schultz
Earwolf Producer: Kimmie Lucas
Editor: Chris Rathjen
Special Assistance: Ryan DiGiorgi
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Theme Music: Andy Poland
July 29, 2018
Flower and Momo the mouse with human strength host the show. Their guest is the former sheriff, Gianessa.
Flower: Brooke Breit
Momo the Mouse: Erin Keif [ioimprov.com]
Gianessa Relkorus: Dana Quercioli
Tricia: Kate James
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Ryan DiGiorgi, Evan Jacover
Editor: Tim Joyce
Theme Music: Andy Poland
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Audio Assistance: Jason Knox
Production Assistance: Garrett Schultz
This episode is brought to you by LifeProof backpacks (www.lifeproof.com/magic).