Lance Bangs

Lance Bangs is an American filmmaker, documentarian, and music video director who has created videos for Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Neutral Milk Hotel, Green Day, Kanye West, Odd Future, and much more. He directed the David Cross film Let America Laugh. Bangs has also been heavily involved in the filming and production of MTV’s Jackass television series and its subsequent movies.
Guest Appearances
April 17, 2018
Director Lance Bangs joins Adam Scott Aukerman once again to really dig in to R.E.M.’s sixth studio album Green. They’ll talk about how the 1988 album’s release intentionally coincided with Election Day, the incorporation of the mandolin into R.E.M.’s sound, and which song has the most annoying video. Plus, they pick apart the layered vocals and share their fan club experiences.
This episode is sponsored by Leesa (www.leesa.com/REM).
April 10, 2018
Director Lance Bangs joins Adam Scott Aukerman to discuss R.E.M.’s sixth studio album Green. They’ll talk about R.E.M.’s partial reunion in Portland, when Lance first heard of the band, and how Lance began to know the band and start collaborating with them. Plus, Scott and Scott tell us a little bit more about themselves on an episode of “Talkin’ Bout Me.”
This episode is brought to you by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com code: REM).
October 12, 2016
This week, Howard and Kulap are joined by actor, comedian, and podcaster Paul F. Tompkins! They chat with Stard about which German delicacy is most like people before getting into the charts. They break down Lin-Manuel Miranda’s performance on Saturday Night Live while counting down the Top 5 Songs on iTunes. Then, during Time Magazine’s Top 5 Shows to Watch This Fall, they discuss preferred streaming services and address a listener question for Paul. Finally, Stard and director Lance Bangs join in for a full-house Four Charted, where they solve the mystery of Howard’s Audible account and get the low-down on Stard’s upcoming tour with Honus Honus.
This episode is sponsored by Squarespace and NBC – Seeso.
March 23, 2016
Director Lance Bangs and comedian Clare O’Kane join Howard and guest co-host April Richardson on Who Charted. During the Billboard’s Hot 100 chart, Howard and Lance discuss trying to solve the case of Howard’s stolen car. The top 5 prime broadcast shows inspire a conversation about Mickey Rooney’s weird path to becoming an animal rights activist. During Two Charted, Howard and April talk about traveling, Star Wars and the word “lovers.”
August 6, 2014
Director of the Meltdown show and inspiration to all, Lance Bangs, joins Howard and Kulap for this week’s super chilled out Who Charted. Tune in to hear about costume choices at Summah fest, Lance’s run in with Eminem, and why Howard thinks saying ‘Yes’ to life doesn’t always work out. Plus, Howard gives us an update on the China-visit situation, the crew discuss how geographic regions influence music, and Lance gives us some insight into his earliest calling, religion.
June 11, 2014
It’s time for Adam Scott Aukerman to look back at the episode that started it all in a special season finale commentary episode of U Talkin’ U2 To Me? Past guests Harris Wittels, Lance Bangs, and Paul F. Tompkins return to finally answer some burning questions. What were some of their favorite moments from the show? When did they first hear about U2? What are their favorite U2 albums? Plus, Scott drops a bombshell that can only be explored through the many fan favorite sub-podcasts like 2’s Clues, Talkin’ Bout Money, and much more.
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