Lindsay Doran

Guest Appearances
February 4, 2016
No one knows story better than Lindsay Doran. Lindsay has been a substantial part in some of the most iconic films of the last four decades, everything from This Is Spinal Tap to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. In Part 2 of Franklin’s interview with Lindsay, she discusses the production of Stranger Than Fiction, making movie deals when cell phones were brand new, how Lindsay became involved with Positive Psychology, and what it can teach us about storytelling.
October 1, 2015
No one knows story better than Lindsay Doran. Lindsay has been a substantial part in some of the most iconic films of the last four decades everything from This Is Spinal Tap to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Lindsay joins Franklin to talk about growing up in the movie business of Hollywood, leaving to make movies in London after graduating UC Santa Cruz, working in Public Television for 7 years in Pennsylvania, becoming an executive for This Is Spinal Tap, and adapting her favorite book of all time Sense and Sensibility into a feature film.