Mark McConville

Mark McConville is an actor, improviser, and musician living in Los Angeles. Mark hosts the Earwolf podcast Pistol Shrimps Radio, produces podcasts like The Complete Woman for Stitcher Premium, and is a part of Superego. He’s also made appearances on podcasts including The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project, Dead Authors Podcast, Spontaneanation, The Thrilling Adventure Hour, and more. Outside the podcasting world, Mark has been seen on Blindspot and Conan, and performs live around Los Angeles.
Guest Appearances
January 3, 2021
On today’s Bonanas For Bonanza (aka The Know Your Place Dating Service Theater), the gang is joined by the rest of the Journeymen, Cubby Lauderbourne, Jimmy Blades and Shunt McGuppin (Mark McConville, James Bladon and Jeremy Carter)! After guessing the ages of different Bonanza guest stars, they watch Season 1, Episode 17 of Bonanza, “The Outcast,” in which a beautiful woman comes into the lives of our heroes and does not die.
October 26, 2020
All treat and no trick Mark McConville (Superego, Mascots) joins Jess, Zach, and the Off Book fam for a musical filled with orca whales, skeletons, candy stores, and more! With songs like “Have You Heard What They’re Doing On The Land? (Everyone Is A Skeleton),” “No Bones About It Now We’re All Hot,” and “It’s Not Cool to Be Mean, That’s Not Really Part of the Skeleton Scene,” it’s a ghoulish good time just in time for Halloween!
May 20, 2020
Please enjoy this compilation of some of the best scenes from 2019! These performances feature Suzi Barrett, Alex Fernie, Johnny Meeks, Mel Cowan, Tim Meadows, Danielle Schneider, Mary Holland, Chad Carter, Craig Rowin, Andy Daly, Owen Burke, Bob Dassie, Anthony Atamanuik, John Gemberling, Matt Gourley, Mark McConville, Paul F. Tompkins, Jon Gabrus, Horatio Sanz, Dan Lippert, Jon Mackey, and Ryan Rosenberg. Let these humons know you love them on improv4humans!
March 24, 2020
Most people have encountered a mascot in their lives; during high school or college, while cheering for their favorite sports team, eating a meal at a fast food restaurant, or visiting just about anywhere in Japan. MASCOTS is the podcast where some of your favorite people chat with host Mark McConville about these lovable fuzzy oddballs. Each episode of MASCOTS will feature mascot news, some games, and more. Mark will talk with comedians, sports fans, and some people from behind the scenes to celebrate the wild and wooly world of mascots.
It’s the inaugural episode of Mascots! Mark McConville sits down with Paul F. Tompkins to talk about mascots from his hometown of Philadelphia, weigh in on some mascot news, and Paul plays The Japanese Mascot Game.
March 1, 2020
S3E31 — Season 3, Ep 31 – Thieves (w/ Superego’s Matt Gourley, Mark McConville and Paul F. Tompkins)
The podcast is interrupted by the surprise appearance of three dastardly members of the thieves guild.
Arnie: Arnie Niekamp
Chunt: Adal Rifai
Usidore: Matt Young
Squeen: Paul F. Tompkins
Mike: Matt Gourley
Kevin: Mark McConville
Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Matt Young, and Adal Rifai
Post-Production Coordination: Garrett Schultz
Earwolf Producer: Kimmie Lucas
Editor: Garrett Schultz
Special Assistance: Ryan DiGiorgi
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Theme Music: Andy Poland
September 18, 2019
Matt Gourley, Mark McConville, and Paul F. Tompkins of Superego join Matt Besser for scenes about the origin of Jingle Bells, the phantom of a high school theater, and manipulating the YouTube algorithms. Plus, they’ll get turned on by hydration, a man steals everything from himself, and a reverend performs a wedding song.
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