Megan Rosati

Megan Rosati is an actor, writer, and maker of stuff living in Los Angeles. She’s appeared on the TV show Everybody Hates Chris as well as an HBO show that never aired and she probably can’t name. Megan co-wrote and starred in 42 episodes of the comedy webseries So Fetch Sketch, about three grown-up mean girls who have bad ideas and learn the wrong lessons. The first short film she ever wrote, The Roommate, premiered last year at the 2013 No Budget Film Festival.
This year she’s worked with Anna Akana on six out of six of her channel’s short films, because Anna’s love of science fiction and fantasy works well with Megan’s love of pretending terrible things are happening. Megan starred in Anna’s first short, Hallucination, which was also chosen for the 2014 Hollyshorts Film Festival. Megan also likes to make funny stuff with Melissa Hunter of Adult Wednesday Adams fame–their most recent sketch, 1800 ADOPT A DUDE, was featured places like Nasty Gal, The Hairpin, and Gizmodo.
Megan’s new webseries, 52 Ways to Break Up, was chosen as Tubefilter’s Indie Spotlight. Megan was also the subject of an interview about 52 Ways to Break Up for New York Magazine’s The Cut.
Guest Appearances
December 25, 2015
On a special Christmas Edition of Yo, Is This Racist, Andrew Ti and special guest Megan Rosati finish the week off by discussing if it’s racist for a White person to convert to Islam. As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
December 24, 2015
This Christmas Eve, Megan Rosati and Andrew talk about a caller’s parents insisting that Debbie Harry from Blondie is the original rapper. Make sure to leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
December 23, 2015
Megan Rosati and Andrew talk about what you would want your babies to look like. Make sure to leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
December 22, 2015
Megan Rosati and Andrew to talk about complimenting someone on their accent. Make sure to leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
December 21, 2015
Actor and comedian Megan Rosati returns to join Andrew all this week to answer some racism questions. Today they discuss a New York story of an unnecessary Kickstarter. Be sure to call us at (323) 389-RACE to ask if anything is racist.
January 30, 2015
Andrew Ti and special guest Megan Rosati finish the week off by discussing the Korean BBQ sauce “We Rub You.” As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.