Mia Schauffler

Mia Schauffler is an improviser and actress.
Guest Appearances
November 12, 2020
Improv team Leroy (Aman Adumer, Mary Anthony, Kimia Behpoornia, Josh Brekhus, Dayna LoBosco, James Mannion, Edgar Momplaisir, and Mia Schauffler) joins Matt Besser for this week’s improv4humans! They perform scenes about dog lineage, understanding absentee parents, a Grand Theft Auto lawyer, and much more. Plus, a listener calls in with a story about a Dungeons & Dragons campaign gone awry.
September 11, 2019
Brandon Gardner, Anna Salinas, Mia Schauffler, and Frank Garcia-Hejl join Matt Besser for scenes about visiting an IKEA cafeteria, family holiday traditions, and a grandma catcher. Later, fourth graders show off their questionable Halloween costumes and Paul McCartney performs at a middle school dance.
This episode is sponsored by TodayTix (www.todaytix.com/IMPROV).
August 28, 2019
Taylor Ortega, Aman Adumer, Mary Anthony, Josh Brekhus, James Mannion, Edgar Momplaisir, and Mia Schauffler join Matt Besser for this week’s improv4humans! They perform scenes about confronting an uncle over his jorts, a family that demands Volvo loyalty, and purchasing extremely impressive pants. Plus, a basketball coach rails against his most hated player, a pastor features a popular beverage in his sermons, and a shopper gets tattoos in order to score free stuff.