Michael McBride
Pastor Michael McBride (known as “Pastor Mike”) is a native of San Francisco and has been active in ministry for over 20 years. Throughout the years, Pastor McBride’s commitment to holistic ministry can be seen through his leadership roles in both the church and community organizations.
A graduate of Duke University’s Divinity School, with an emphasis in Ethics and Public Policy, Pastor McBride planted The Way Christian Center in West Berkeley, where he presently serves as the Lead Pastor. In March 2012, he became the National Director for the Lifelines to Healing/LIVE FREE Campaign with the PICO National Network, a campaign led by hundreds of faith congregations throughout the United States committed to addressing gun violence and mass incarceration of young people of color.
In 2013, Pastor McBride was selected as the #9 Top Clergy Leader to Watch in the US by the Center for American Progress. He has served on a number of local and national task forces with the White House and Department of Justice regarding gun violence prevention, boys and men of color and police-community relationships.
He is a regular guest on MSNBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera programs providing commentary for issues related to faith and racial justice. He is married to Cherise McBride and they have two beautiful daughters, Sarai and Nylah.
Guest Appearances
August 17, 2017
Kamau and Hari dive deep into the events that stirred the nation this past weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of the largest white supremacist demonstrations in recent US history led to the death of anti-racist protester Heather Heyer and injured many others. Journalist/activist Spencer Sunshine explains the historical background of white supremacy groups in America and how they organize themselves today. We also hear from Media Matters senior fellow Matthew Gertz, community organizer Rosa Clemente, Pastor Michael McBride, and OUR LISTENERS. They all share how they’re processing this moment and taking action.
Follow our guests:
- Spencer Sunshine (@transform6789) https://spencersunshine.com/publications/
- Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) https://www.mediamatters.org/authors/matt-gertz/51
- Rosa Clemente (@rosaclemente) http://rosaclemente.net
- Pastor Michael McBride (@pastormykmac) http://www.livefreeusa.org
For updates on us, follow Politically Re-Active on Facebook and Twitter (@PoliticReActive.) Send us your comments using the #politicallyreactive. Thanks! Check out Hari’s tour dates and albums at Harikondabolu.com and for all Kamau’s projects check out wkamaubell.com.
This episode is sponsored by Texture (www.texture.com/REACTIVE) and Michael Moore’s “The Terms of My Surrender.”