Michelle Kenney M. Ed.

Michelle Kenney M. Ed. is a certified parenting instructor based in Los Angeles.
Guest Appearances
January 11, 2022
This week June and Jessica are living in the present and reflecting back on past advice. Jessica shares her new watch for children and some great fan advice that leads June to issue a formal apology for not suggesting said advice herself. Then, certified parenting instructor, Michelle Kenney M. Ed., joins to discuss ‘hand in hand parenting’, building connections with your children, how to navigate tantrums, and yes, Jessica’s Kumon dilemma has been addressed. Deep Divers, remember to enjoy yourselves and your stranger friends.
To find more info about our guest, visit https://www.peaceandparentingla.com
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June Diane Raphael @MsJuneDiane on Twitter @junediane on Instagram
Jessica St. Clair @Jessica_StClair on Twitter @stclairjessica on Instagram
Check out the Jane Club at www.janeclub.com
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