Miriam Klein Stahl
Miriam Klein Stahl is a Bay Area artist, educator and activist and the New York Times-bestselling illustrator of Rad American Women
A-Z and Rad Women Worldwide. In addition to her work in printmaking, drawing, sculpture, paper-cut and public art, she is also the co-founder of the Arts and Humanities Academy at Berkeley High School where she’s taught since 1995. As an artist, she follows in a tradition of making socially relevant work, creating portraits of political activists, misfits, radicals and radical movements. As an educator, she has dedicated her teaching practice to address equity through the lens of the arts. Her work has been widely exhibited and reproduced internationally. She lives in Berkeley, California with her wife, artist Lena Wolff, daughter Hazel, and their dog Lenny.
For information about her work with writer Kate Schatz and the Rad Book series go here Rad Women Worldwide
Guest Appearances
May 18, 2017
Listeners, you and your kids need a new alphabet – specifically, one that starts with “A is for Angela Davis”. In this episode of Politically Re-Active, we talk with writer Kate Schatz and artist Miriam Klein Stahl about their illustrated children’s books, _Rad American Women A-Z_ and _Rad Women Worldwide_. We also dive into ways that you – yes you! – can join the resistance in your local community through Solidarity Sundays, a network of feminist activist groups that meet each month to engage elected officials and build intersectional communities for justice. It’s art, action, and the alphabet, all in this episode of #politicallyreactive.
Find a local meeting of Solidarity Sundays at https://www.solidaritysundays.
Kamau and Hari want to meet you! Catch Kamau on his The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell book tour or Hari on his standup tour – more info at http://www.wkamaubell.com/ and http://www.harikondabolu.com/. And find Kamau in your living room every Sunday at 10pm EST – it’s United Shades of America on CNN!
Got a comment or suggestion? Email us at politicallyreactive@firstlook.
This episode is brought to you by Church & State, Zebit (www.zebit.com/PR), Texture (www.texture.com/REACTIVE), and The Skimm (www.theskimm.com/REACTIVE).