Mo Hassanein
Mo Hassanein recently completed his Ph.D. at University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine where his research focused on identifying genetic determinants of obesity in both children and adults. Hey, I know what he should study next: Why are donuts so tasty? Am I right? Or do I have a serious problem and need a dietitian. I seriously need to know!
Guest Appearances
August 9, 2011
Tig, Kyle, and David are all healthy adults, but why? Was it because they avoided fast food as kids, because they went around catching lizards in the desert, or was it something genetic? Our guest this week is Mo Hassanein, a PHD student who serves as our resident expert on childhood obesity. Learn about fat distribution, the difference between sucrose and fructose, and why it is important to keep kids healthy from a young age. And yes, there will be riddles. Enjoy!